When 277 morbidly obese people were put on a low-calorie diet for three months and followedup after a year, rapid early weight loss led to better long-term weight loss than for those usingslower diets.
"Programme retention was ?exceptionally high with a low-calorie diet, at 89%," said leadresearcher Mike of Glasgow University. In the British Medical Journal, he said this new strategyoffers people the chance of a cure. His main point is that it's not just a diet but a carefullystructured programme aimed at substantial long-term weight loss that can be delivered byordinary dietitians and practice nurses.

It would cost less than the average annual cost of treating Type 2 diabetes with drugs. So theNHS is going to pilot a low-calorie diet programme as the first treatment option for newpatients with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. For a group of 500 patients, GPs will beencouraged to prescribe a liquid diet of just over 800 calories a day for three months, followed up with a period of full support.
This initiative is inspired by the DiRECT trial, funded by Diabetes UK, which showed that low-calorie diets can put Type 2 into remission. Most ?importantly it can be achieved as part ofroutine care in general practice without reference to hospitals and special clinics.
Last August, a study showed the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin can be "rebooted" once ?remission from Type 2 has occurred. Another study showed that with rapid initial earlyweight loss, weight isn't quickly regained on reverting to normal eating. This reversedprevious thinking that when weight is lost quickly it's quickly put back on again.