If only the world were populated by giant cats. Now there’s a thought that many of us have had while daydreaming in school or at work. You can’t tell me I’m the only one.
Imagine how wonderful it would be to pet a purring three-meter tall feline, all fluffy and friendly. Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore. Russian artist Andrey Scherbak has uploaded nearly 150 photos of giant cats online, and they’re close to purrfect. Bored Pandainterviewed Andrey and found out a lot about the artist's life and the inspiration behind his giant cat project. So keep scrolling, check out our interview, upvote your favorite kitty cats, and let everyone know in the comments which photos you liked and why.
想象一下,如果能抚摩一只三米高、喵喵叫、毛茸茸、友好的猫咪该有多好。你不用再想象了。俄罗斯艺术家Andrey Scherbak在网上上传了近150张巨型猫科动物的照片,它们看起来非常完美。无聊熊猫采访了安德烈,发现了很多关于这位艺术家的生活和他的巨型猫项目背后的灵感。所以继续浏览,看看我们的采访,给你最喜欢的小猫投票,让每个人都知道你喜欢哪些照片,为什么喜欢。
More info: Instagram