From easing stress to combating cancer, drinking tea has shown to offer many health benefits. But before you bring that steaming mug to you lips, do you know how long should you let your tea brew for it to be healthiest and taste the best?
There are some people who let their tea steep for just a minute or so, while others wait much longer. The right way depends on science, tea type and, of course, personal taste.
There are many types of tea, but the four most common — black, green, oolong and white — all come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. However, they are processed in different ways, according to How Stuff Works.
A good cup of tea keeps steeping time and temperature in mind. (Photo: Adam Otvos/Shutterstock)
Black tea leaves are spread out to wither and dry, then they are rolled to release moisture. The leaves are spread out again and exposed to oxygen. This oxidation process give the tea its distinctive taste and turns the green leaves copper. Then the leaves are dried with hot air, and sorted by grade and size.
With green tea, after the leaves are spread out to wither, they are steamed, which stops the oxidation process, keeping the green color. Then the leaves are rolled, dried and sorted.
Oolong tea goes through a partial oxidation process, so it doesn't get quite as dark or reach the same flavor profile as black tea.
It's the same process with white tea, as the oxidation process is stopped quickly. White tea is relatively rare; it comes from new growth, as the plant leaves are still unfurled and the buds are still unopened.
It's not just time, but it's also temperature to consider when making the ideal cup of tea. Different teas prefer different temperatures to get the best taste and healthiest compounds.
Here are the ideal steeping times and temperatures, according to the experts, depending on the type of tea you're making.
Fresh tea leaves are ready for drying. (Photo: Goskova Tatiana/Shutterstock)
Black tea
Steep your black tea 3 to 5 minutes whether you're using tea bags or loose-leaf tea.
In most cases, this is the only water for tea that should be boiled at temperatures between 200 F and 212 F (93 to 100 C). Tea seller Cup & Leaf suggests that more delicate black teas such as Darjeeling and Keemum should be brewed using water between 180 and 190 F (82 to 88 C).
在大多数情况下,煮茶的水温度应该在200F到212 F之间(93℃到100 C)。茶叶销售商杯&叶表明更精致的红茶,如大吉岭和Keemum应该使用温度为180F和190 F之间的水(82到88 C)浸泡。
Green tea
Green tea doesn't take as long to steep. Cup & Leaf suggests 2 to 4 minutes for loose leaf, 1 to 3 minutes for tea bags. Some fans say you can get a lovely cup in only 30 seconds. But remember, if you're drinking tea for health benefits, you have to let your tea steep. A study published in Beverages found you get more polyphenols the longer you allow your tea to steep, but 5 minutes is a good compromise.
绿茶泡的时间不长。Cup & Leaf建议散叶浸泡2 - 4分钟,茶袋浸泡1 - 3分钟。一些爱喝茶的人说,你可以花30秒冲一杯好喝的茶。但是记住,如果你是为了健康而喝茶,你必须让你的茶浸泡。发表在《饮料》杂志上的一项研究发现,茶泡的时间越长,多酚类物质就越多,但5分钟是一个不错的折中方案。
Generally, the water for green tea should be heated right before boiling in order to avoid any bitter flavors.
Oolong tea
Most tea experts suggest about 5 to 7 minutes for loose leaf and 3 to 5 minutes if you're using oolong tea bags.
Oolong should be heated to just below boiling. You can also allow water to boil and then let it cool for about a minute before adding your tea.
White tea
It's a quick dip for white tea leaves, as they need only 2 to 3 minutes for loose leaf or 30 to 60 seconds with tea bags.
Water for white tea doesn't need to get very hot. Experts suggest just 160 F (71 C). If you don't want to use a thermometer, Cup & Leaf suggests removing water from the stove top once once tiny bubbles start forming at the bottom of the pot.
白茶的水不需要很热。专家建议只要160华氏度(71摄氏度)。如果你不想使用温度计,Cup & Leaf公司建议,一旦锅底开始形成小气泡,就立即把水从炉子顶部移开。
Only black tea really requires boiling-hot water. (Photo: Kulinenko G/Shutterstock)
Herbal tea
Unlike the four above teas, herbal teas are made from a mix of flowers and plants like chamomile and ginger. Because the ingredients are varied, so are the brewing times and temperatures. Start with the recommendations on the container and adjust until you find the perfect taste for you.