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    What artificial sweeteners do to your body


    A comprehensive review of 56 studies on the effects of artificial sweeteners showed there are no real health benefits to consuming non-sugar sweeteners compared to real sugar. A team of European researchers analyzed the studies in a variety of areas: weight, blood sugar control, oral health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, behavior and mood. There were no significant advantages in any area for those who consumed artificial sweeteners.


    Not all sweeteners are built the same. (Photo: Gayvoronskaya_Yana/Shutterstock.com)

    It's not just that artificial sweeteners have no real health benefits; they can cause harm.


    The study followed more than 80,000 postmenopausal women and discovered that those who drank two or more beverages every day had a 29 percent higher risk of heart attack, 31 percent higher risk of blood-clot stroke and were 16 percent more likely to die a premature death compared to women who only drank once or week or not at all. The researchers warned that the study doesn't show cause and effect because there is no way to tell if a specific type of artificial sweetener or drink caused the spike in health problems or if it just exacerbated pre-existing health conditions.


    So it makes sense to reduce your consumption of soft drinks — but that's not necessarily an easy task.


    Quickly affects your gut bacteria


    The bacteria in your gut plays a role in a wide range of health issues. (Photo: T.L. Furrer/Shutterstock)

    When scientists manipulated the gut bacteria in the mice's stomachs and killed most of it off, they found that the glucose intolerance disappeared.


    Based on what they found in mice, scientists conducted a small trial on humans that measured the gut bacteria of healthy people who consumed artificial sweeteners. They found that after just one week, participants started showing glucose intolerance and their gut bacteria composition had changed.


    Do artificial sweeteners make us fat?


    Artificial sweeteners may not be giving you an edge. (Photo: melissamn/Shutterstock.com)

    No sugar and fewer calories make artificial sweeteners an attractive choice for those looking to keep the sweet taste but lose the pounds. A study presented at ENDO 2017, the Endocrine Society's annual conference in April, demonstrated that some sweeteners encourage the accumulation of fat, particularly among the already obese.


    Based on these results, a second experiment was conducted, this time using biopsy samples of abdominal fat from those who consumed primarily sucralose. Four of the people were obese and four were a healthy weight. The first group demonstrated a higher increase in sugar (glucose) transport into cells and an overexpression of fat-producing genes compared to those at a healthy weight. Additionally, the first group's sweet taste receptions were 2.5-fold higher than those who didn't consume sweetners. The abundance of such receptions may play a part in allow glucose to center the cells.


    A more recent review of the scientific evidence on artificial sweeteners concluded that there is no clear evidence that they help people manage their weight.


    Diet sodas and stroke and dementia


    Instead of drinking diet soda, try drinking water that's naturally flavored with fruit. (Photo: Markus Mainka/Shutterstock.com)

    An April 2017 study found a link between diet sodas and a higher risk of stroke and dementia. The research didn't show a direct cause-and-effect relationship, only causation, and the researchers point out that the study had many limitations. Yet, because people who drank diet soda every day were almost three times as likely to develop stroke and dementia, researchers suggest that they may not be the healthiest alternative. The study was published in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke.


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