"Buy the biggest battery you can afford!"
That might be the hot tip from your Uncle Joe, the car expert. And you'll get similar advice from online reviews and sales staff trying to upsell you to increasingly longer-range electric cars and SUVs.
Owning an EV doesn't have to curb your wander lust. (Photo: Smile Fight/Shutterstock)
Hard to believe? Let me share a few examples of popular road trips and the EVs that are ready for these trips. I'll also offer three simple guidelines to help you find the EV for your lifestyle.
A simple comparison
The single biggest source of CO2 in the U.S. is transportation, and its mostly from personal vehicles. But EVs are becoming an exciting solution thanks to plummeting battery costs.
The long-range EV with the lowest list price was a shock to me: it's a Tesla. The base version of the Tesla Model 3 is available now for $35,000 (phone or in-store orders only), and it has a 220-mile range. The cost gets lower after government incentives and gas savings, which you can estimate for your state with this handy eGallon calculator.
标价最低的远程电动车让我震惊:它是特斯拉。特斯拉Model 3的基础版售价为3.5万美元(仅限手机或店内订单),续航里程为220英里。在政府的鼓励和节省汽油后,成本降低了,你可以用这个方便的eGallon计算器估计你的州面积。
What can you expect from the base Tesla on the classic road trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas? To get a quick answer, use a charging website, like A Better Routeplanner, to estimate the time for pit stops to recharge. The Tesla road trip turns out to be a piece of cake with estimated charging stops in about the time of two coffee breaks.
Photo: Elliott Campbell
Now for comparison, let's look at a somewhat higher priced EV with longer range: the Chevy Bolt with the DC fast charging option. This Chevy costs $2,000 more than the base Tesla but offers a bigger battery that has 39 more miles of range.
These two EVs are similar in many ways: both fit a bike with the seats folded down, both have 100,000 mile battery warranties, and both have the same federal incentive. (Other EVs have even bigger incentives worth looking at, too).
How does the Chevy compare to the Tesla? Does the Chevy's longer range mean less time stopping to recharge? That's what Uncle Joe thought.
In fact, the Chevy requires more time for charging stops than the base Tesla. The trip is easy in both cars, and for many people, the Chevy is the perfect EV.
But how could the Tesla have a shorter range and still get you to Vegas in no time? It has everything to do with charging speed.
Charging super fast
Tesla makes more than just EVs. The cost of a Tesla includes access to a widespread network of Supercharger stations. This access is a key advantage.
Other EVs can charge at non-Tesla DC stations. But some of these stations aren't as fast as Superchargers. So charging stations help explain why even Tesla's base model breezes through the Vegas trip.