Startups with at least one female founder raised an average of 21% more funding from venture capital firms—amounting to $5 million more in funding on average.
The study looked at data from Crunchbase for more than 90,000 U.S. VC-backed companies between 2001 and 2018.
It found that in early rounds of investment, mixed-gender startups raised roughly the same amount of cash as their all-male counterparts.
However, by the third and fourth rounds of funding, mixed-gender startups raised on average $23 million in VC investment compared to $18 million for all-male teams.
The bad news for startups is that currently only around 22% of them have at least one woman as a founder. Also, all-female founded startups still get the short shrift when it comes to funding.
If a startup doesn’t have at least one male founder, that startup is likely to get a much smaller slice of the VC funding pie.
Research from PitchBook found that of the $130 billion VCs invested in startups last year, only 2.2% of it went to all-female founded startups.