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    Inside one man's quest to grow and forage of his food for an entire year


    Rob Greenfield is a man on many missions. He has biked barefoot across the country on a bicycle made out of bamboo, he lived a year without showering to promote water conservation, and most recently, he has been putting down deep roots (literally and figuratively) in Orlando, Florida.

    罗伯·格林菲尔德(Rob Greenfield)身兼多职。他曾赤脚骑着竹子制成的自行车横穿全国,他有一年没有洗澡以促进水资源保护,最近,他在佛罗里达州的奥兰多扎下了深深的根(无论是字面上还是象征意义上)。

    With no land of his own, Greenfield farms the front yards of his neighbors and shares the bounty with them. (Photo: www.livewonderful.com)

    This time around, it's an experiment in extreme sustainability; specifically, committing to only eating foods he grows himself or forages in the wild for an entire year.


    He prepped for around 10 months for his Food Freedom project — gathering seeds, starting a greenhouse, and doing a deep exploration of Orlando's local permaculture. On Nov. 11, 2018, Greenfield posted his intent — in his humble tiny house nestled in an Orlando local's backyard — spelling out his extremely daunting goal: to grow or forage from the wild of his food for an entire calendar year.


    Front yard foraging


    After transforming the sandy soil with local mulch, Greenfield planted edible plants in many of his neighbor's front yards. (Photo: www.livewonderful.com)

    What exactly does that entail? It means no food from a grocery store or restaurant; no leftovers from a friend's dinner party; no shopping at a farmers market; and no accepting food as gifts from neighbors or friends.


    In short, if Greenfield did not personally forage the food in the wild or harvest it from the sea or plant it from seed, it wouldn't be on his menu. For a full list of Greenfield's strict adherence to his year-long journey, check out his guidelines.


    Learning on the go


    Greenfield worked with the Orlando community to plant 200 fruit trees throughout the city. (Photo: www.livewonderful.com)

    He's right. If you think about everything that enters your mouth on a daily basis, from toothpaste to water to coffee to oils to salt, it seems nearly impossible to obtain these far-flung ingredients from our own backyard or a neighbor's yard. Greenfield either gave up those things he could not produce or found substitutions.


    Orlando might not be the first place that comes to mind when it comes to sustainability, but Greenfield saw things differently. "I wanted to live in a place where I could grow food year-round. That really limits where you can be in the U.S. That's why I chose Florida."


    "Existence is a full-time job"


    Greenfield and volunteers also worked to plant front yard gardens in single-parent homes in Orlando as well. (Photo: Rob Greenfield)

    You might think this strict diet would lead to some very dull and monotonous meals, but on the contrary, Greenfield's list of foods he's grown and foraged is in the 100s, ranging from Seminole pumpkins to Southern peas to salt gathered straight from the ocean.


    Greenfield watched "a bunch of YouTube videos on how to harvest a deer" and soon found himself feeding deer stew to his mostly vegetarian family. "Everyone liked it," he adds.


    Food freedom and sovereignty


    'I'm doing something extreme because that's what catches media's attention,' says Greenfield. (Photo: Rob Greenfield)

    The hardest part, Greenfield says, was probably not having enough oil when it came to cooking. He thought he'd be abundant in coconut oil from nearby coconut trees, but extracting the oil was laborious and often not fruitful. "Not having oil changes the way you cook completely," says Greenfield. No oil made cooking just a little less tasty, but his varied diet of nearly 300+ distinct foods and spices and herbs helped make up for it.


    In the end, Greenfield doesn't expect anyone to do what he did. "My goal is, I want people to question their food, their everything — where did this come from? What's its impact on humans? To the environment as a whole? I want people to ask these questions. If you don't like the answers, change that! Make your actions in alignment with your beliefs."


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