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    Woman Uses Foam And Toilet Seat Hinges To Create A Moving Rose Costume


    While Halloween is certainly over, some costumes leave such a strong impression that it’s worth talking about them days, even weeks, after the event. One of such costumes is definitely this ‘blooming’ rose made by Genevra Collier. Not only is it made of foam and toilet seats, she crafted the whole thing in just 26 days!


    Collier not only showed the final result, an impressive animated flower costume, but also was kind enough to give as a step-by-step guide on how she made it. Through trials and errors and endless hours trying to meet the deadline – a Hallowee party – Genevra pulled all the string together just hours before the event. And hell, all the effort was definitely worth it. Check out the process as well as the result and watch your mouth open in awe!


    This impressive moving costume was created in 26 days!


    She started off with a sketch



    “In addition to looking like a big ol’ flower, I wanted the costume to bloom.


    To animate the bloom, I used slow-close toilet seat hinges. I was inspired by the bathrooms at my office LOL. Making it happen was my toughest challenge to date. I had 26 days to get it done, no clue if it would work, and no backup plan. ”


    “Step One: acquire toilet seat. I tested a bunch of slow-close ones at different stores, and found a Bemis that seemed to have the smoothest most consistent motion. They’re $40 a piece, but the whole costume hinged on that movement.”


    “Step Two: extract hinges. For this I bought a little circular saw and sliced the lid and seat in half. I thought maybe the whole thing would just fall apart once it was separated, but I wound up with two functional hinges! Surprise discovery: the hinges aren’t symmetrical. One is attached to the seat side and one to the lid, and the housing is slightly different.””


    “I drilled the hinges and bolted them onto a ring of MDF that would serve as the foundation for the costume. All the elements of this project can be disassembled and rearranged, which allowed me to change things up a lot as I figured out the design, without starting over.”


    “Once the hinges were cut apart, I had to stabilize them on the empty side to keep them from wiggling lose. After wrapping my brain around what needed to happen (ouch), I made a foam core mockup, then traced and cut it out of MDF and sanded it into shape. I screwed the MDF pieces onto the lid plastic from the back.”


    “My first draft with foam petals was MASSIVE. LOL, ok the final thing is big too, but I definitely needed to trim everything down a bunch.”


    And here’s the stunning result!


    图片来源:Giedrė Vaičiulaitytė

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