This entails disengaging from technology as well as removing yourself from other sources of noises – like people. Enclose yourself in a safe place where you are comfortable. Shut your eyes, and then just exhale all the tension. In the silence, you will notice how your imagination comes alive. Let it run wild. Or let it be completely at ease. As you breathe, do nothing that does not feel organic. Even if your quiet time lasts a mere five minutes, use it to reconnect with you and the breath.
2. Ask yourself questions
Get in touch with the inner you by responding to emotions that rise up in your mind throughout the day. Even during quiet time, notice what you are feeling. Then, try to find out why. Ask yourself what happened, what emotions you are feeling, and what memories that feeling is connected to. Sure, you might not always like the answers you receive from yourself. But that tolerance and acceptance of who you are are the beginning to elevating your spirituality.
3. Get back to nature
Toss the phone aside. Shut the laptop. Turn off the lights. And then remove yourself from the indoors for a while. That’s right, I am asking you to go outside. Be one with nature, somehow. Regardless of the season, be amongst the green trees, the brittle grass, and sodden earth.
将电话扔在一旁。关掉电脑。 关灯。然后将自己从室内清空一段时间。这是对的,我就是要让你去外面。无论如何,与自然相处。无论什么原因,让自己身处绿树,青翠的草地和湿润的土地之上吧。
Breathe in the scents of soil and leaves. Feel the sun on your skin. Nature is the closest thing to paradise we have on this planet. Honor it by relishing every piece of it with your senses. When you open your mind to nature and disconnect from technology, true joy is tangible.