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    When is store-bought better than homemade?


    Cooking a meal from scratch can be a truly rewarding experience. It can also make you want to toss up your hands in despair, throw the uncooperative dough in the trash (for the third time) and go get take-out instead. I'm familiar with both of these experiences, and if there's one thing I've learned while cooking, it's that some foods just might not be worth the effort.


    Cooking from scratch is wonderful — if you have the time, patience and inclination. (Photo: Everett Collection/Shutterstock)

    Of course, if your idea of a good time is spending hours in the kitchen kneading, punching down and rolling out dough, go for it! But for those of us who like to eat well but don't have any secret ambitions to end up on a certain British baking show anytime soon, there are some foods that are perfectly acceptable to buy from the experts. From puff pastry to ketchup to chips, here's a few foods that probably aren't worth the hours you'll need to churn them out in your kitchen.


    Puff pastry/croissants


    All those buttery layers require a lot of time, and a lot of work. (Photo: SKopp [CC by SA 3.0]/Wikimedia Commons)

    Having watched my fair share of competition baking shows, seeing firsthand how puff pastry is made is both inspiring and exhausting. Similar to phyllo dough, it's a flaky light pastry made from laminated dough. Creating the dough requires not only a chunk of time, but very particular temperatures as well. Stacey Ballis writes in Extra Crispy, "They need everything just right. They are finicky, fussy doughs. They require the perfect atmosphere, lots of time, and you can treat them with kid gloves and they still might fail you."

    看了我的公平份额的竞争烘焙节目,亲眼看到如何制作泡芙糕点既鼓舞人心,又令人筋疲力尽。与千层酥皮类似,千层酥皮是一种由层压面团制成的酥皮。制作面团不仅需要大量的时间,而且需要非常特殊的温度。Stacey Ballis在《Extra Crispy》中写道:“他们需要一切恰到好处。他们是挑剔的、吹毛求疵的人。他们需要完美的氛围,大量的时间,你可以小心翼翼地对待他们,但他们仍然可能让你失望。”



    If you've got the hours and the patience, by all means, go ahead and make that ketchup from scratch! (Photo: Ralf Beier/Shutterstock)

    Though I love the idea of a "locally sourced" ketchup at a trendy burger spot, I must admit, the muddy, strongly spiced sauce that I dunk my fries into is usually a disappointment. Writes Tommy Werner in Epicurious: "At restaurants, nothing makes me run to the Heinz faster than reading 'housemade ketchup.'"




    Bagels must be boiled to get that shiny crust and chewy texture. (Photo: liz west [CC by 2.0]/Flickr)

    Many bagel purists believe you can't beat the bagels out of New York City because of the city's soft water. While it's true that the Big Apple's tap water has lower levels of calcium carbonates and magnesium (hard water makes tough gluten, which begets tough bagels), there are even more tricks to the trade.




    Homemade marshmallows are a labor of love — will your cup of cocoa even appreciate them? (Photo: bigacis/Shutterstock)

    Marshmallows are magical chemistry. They are also, dare I say it, not exactly necessary — except when it comes to a traditional Thanksgiving sweet potato casserole. Other than that, I'm not sure what would compel me to spend an afternoon with a couple gelatin packets, candy thermometer and a pizza wheel.


    Chips and crackers


    The flavor combination of processed chips don't happen by accident — food scientists play a large role in making them taste so irresistible. (Photo: Marco Verch Pro [CC by 2.0]/Flickr)

    Crunchy, crispy, heavily seasoned chips are usually not the healthiest snack. Loaded with sodium and fried in oil, they're a lot of labor without the payoff. Even if you wanted to recreate their "can't have just one" addictive flavor profile, you'd probably need a science lab to figure out its exact chemistry.


    Food companies have specifically designed processed foods to be "hyper-palatable," meaning, you'll find it impossible not to eat the whole bag of chips in one sitting. Even Bon Appétit recipe developer Sarah Jampel has written her own love letter to Fritos: "You could substitute your favorite tortilla chips in this soup or fry up your old tortillas on the stovetop. Or, you could accept that Fritos are better than anything you'll concoct at home."


      上一篇:大雨终于在澳大利亚倾盆而下,扑灭了30多起致命的森林大火 下一篇:研究人员惊讶地发现,小狼崽会叼东西


