It seems that the more candles you blow out on your cake, the happier your life can be. It's known as the paradox of aging — so many things supposedly worsen with age, yet older people often have a better sense of overall well-being.
Everyday activities make people a lot happier as they get older. (Photo: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock)
A recent study found a "happiness curve" — at age 47.2 things bottom out and people are the most unhappy in life. But the good news is that things typically get better from there.
Researchers continue to find explanations for the reasoning behind why happiness seems to increase with age. In an earlier study, researchers surveyed more than 1,500 San Diego residents between the ages of 21 and 99, and found that those in their 20s were the most stressed out and depressed, while those in their 90s were the most content.
The study was published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
We become more trusting
People become more trusting as they age and that leads to more happiness. (Photo: lammotos/Shutterstock)
Two large-scale studies by researchers at Northwestern University and the University at Buffalo found that as people get older, they also get more trusting. And that trust can benefit their well-being.
"Our new findings show that trust increases as people get older and, moreover, that people who trust more are also more likely to experience increases in happiness over time.” Claudia Haase, a professor of social policy at Northwestern and one of the study's authors, said in a statement.
“我们的新发现表明,信任会随着年龄的增长而增加,而且,信任程度越高的人,幸福感也会随着时间的推移而增加。”西北大学社会政策教授、该研究的作者之一Claudia Haase在一份声明中说。
Our bodies and wallets are healthier
Older people typically eat more produce than younger people, which can contribute to better well-being. (Photo: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock)
People over 55 have an overall better sense of well-being for all sorts of reasons, according to a 2015 Gallup-Healthways survey of 173,656 people across the U.S.
They have higher rates of financial well-being, where 52% of people over 55 reported they were thriving, compared to 32% of Americans younger than 55. They have better access to health care, compared to those under 55. They also smoke less and eat more fresh produce than their younger counterparts. Levels of depression and obesity also drop off after age 64.
Small things matter
As you age, you value everyday things like spending time together and walking the dog.. (Photo: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock)
When you're younger, you often look for extraordinary things to give you pleasure. That's when you're falling in love, maybe starting a family, traveling and doing lots of exciting things. Researchers from Brown University found that while younger people tend to seek out these more memorable adventures, older people are happy with ordinary, everyday things.
“It’s just what you would expect, this emphasis on savoring what you already have when your time starts to become limited,” Peter Caprariello, assistant professor of marketing at Stony Brook University, told the New York Times.
So a cup of coffee with friends or a walk with the dog makes you happy; there's no need to wait until the next exotic vacation or gourmet dinner.
The researchers write in the Journal of Consumer Research: "As people move through their lives deciding how to fill their next hour, weekend, or vacation, they are frequently reminded by proverbs and popular culture to spend their time wisely because their days are numbered."