At the Pairi Daiza zoo in Belgium, a family of three Borneo orangutans has forged an unusual friendship with their fieldmates, a group of Asian small-clawed otters. Keepers made the decision to put these two species in a shared enclosure with hopes that they would keep each other entertained and, judging by the photographs, they were not wrong.
在比利时的Pairi Daiza动物园,一家三口婆罗洲猩猩与他们的野外伙伴——一群亚洲小爪水獭建立了一种不同寻常的友谊。饲养员决定把这两个物种放在一个共享的围栏里,希望它们能互相娱乐,从照片来看,他们没有错。
Rachael Funnell
Orangutan means “man of the forest” in Malay, which is precisely where these exceptionally intelligent primates live in the wild, with populations in Borneo and Sumatra. They share 97 percent of their DNA with humans, which explains why they share many of the same needs as people when it comes to engagement and enrichment. They're so similar in fact, some have even been documented making human-like sounds with their own "faux language" which researchers have attempted to translate. To account for this, the Pairi Diaza zoo in Belgium has put together a rich and diverse "enrichment" program for their resident orangutans, of which they have five, which center around their keepers engaging the animals in mind games, puzzles, and physical challenges.
猩猩在马来语中的意思是“森林之人”,这正是这些异常聪明的灵长类动物生活在野外的地方,它们的种群分布在婆罗洲和苏门答腊。他们与人类共享97%的DNA,这就解释了为什么他们在参与和充实方面与人类有许多相同的需求。事实上,它们是如此的相似,有些甚至被记录下来用它们自己的“人造语言”发出类似人类的声音,研究人员试图将这些声音翻译成人类的语言。为了解决这个问题,比利时的Pairi Diaza动物园已经为他们的猩猩们准备了一个丰富多样的“充实”计划,他们有五只猩猩,围绕着他们的饲养员,让动物们进行心理游戏、智力游戏和身体挑战。
Found you. Your turn to seek. Pascale Jones/Pairi Daiza
To bolster this enrichment, the decision was made to keep their family of three orangutans, Ujian, Sari and baby Berani, who arrived at the zoo in 2017 from the German zoo of Heidelberg, in isolation, in a shared enclosure with a group of otters. While these two animals don’t coexist in the wild today it’s possible that extant populations of orangutans found in Southeast Asia and South China could have overlapped with the species' habitat.
By putting the two different highly social species together they can each benefit from consistent interaction and play with their neighbors. The Pairi Daiza zoo facilitated this by housing their otters in the river that flows through the orangutan enclosure. In an email to IFLScience the zoo explained, “The otters really enjoy getting out of the water on the orangutan island to go and play with their big, furry friends. Especially baby Berani and daddy Ujian [who] have developed a very special bond with their neighbors. It makes life more fun and interesting for both animal species, which makes it a very successful experiment.”
通过把这两种不同的高度社会化的物种放在一起,它们可以从持续的互动和与邻居玩耍中获益。Pairi Daiza动物园将水獭安置在流经猩猩围场的河流中,促进了这一进程。在给IFLScience的一封电子邮件中,动物园解释说:“水獭真的很喜欢离开水到猩猩岛上和它们的大的、毛茸茸的朋友们一起玩。特别是婴儿贝拉尼和爸爸乌吉安,它们与邻居之间建立了一种非常特殊的关系。它让两种动物的生活更有趣,这是一个非常成功的实验。”

Oh hey, friend. Pascale Jones/Pairi Daiza
The Borneo orangutans are one of three species of orangutan in the region and are extremely threatened in the wild due to devastating deforestation predominantly from harvesting palm oil. In the past 60 years the wild population has declined by 60 percent. The Pairi Daiza zoo is involved in a project to restore a part of the Borneo forest for the wild population, and thanks to Ujian, Berani, and Sari they have raised enough money to plant 11,000 new trees in Borneo. You can find out more about the project to tackle deforestation here.
婆罗洲红毛猩猩是该地区的三种红毛猩猩之一,由于主要靠进行毁灭性的森林砍伐来收获棕榈油,它们在野外受到了极大的威胁。在过去的60年里,野生种群减少了60%。Pairi Daiza动物园参与了一项为野生动物恢复婆罗洲森林的项目,多亏了Ujian、Berani和Sari,他们已经筹集了足够的资金在婆罗洲种植1.1万棵新树。你可以在这里找到更多关于解决森林砍伐问题的项目。