朱迪思 · 克尔是另一位插画家,她的早年生活受到了纳粹大屠杀的影响; 1933年,当纳粹掌权时,她的家人逃离了柏林。 她在自己的半自传体小说三部曲中写到了这一点,从1971年希特勒偷走了粉红兔子开始; 然而,她不幸的童年可能也激发了她最著名的书。
The Tiger Who Came to Tea, one of the best-selling children's books of all time, is the story of a little girl and her mother who are visited by a friendly tiger who proceeds to drink everything in the house before going on his way. It's been suggested that the book may have been inspired by a childhood fear of the Nazis turning up to take her father away; throughout her life, though, Kerr insisted that it was simply a story about a tiger coming for tea.
《来喝茶的老虎》是有史以来最畅销的儿童读物之一,讲述了一个小女孩和她的母亲被一只友好的老虎拜访的故事,老虎在上路之前喝光了屋里所有的东西。 有人认为这本书的灵感可能来自于童年时期对纳粹带走她父亲的恐惧; 然而,科尔一生坚持认为这只是一个关于一只老虎来喝茶的故事。
Born in 1923, Kerr didn't start writing and illustrating books until she was in her 40s, just when her children were learning to read. She continued working almost up to her death in 2019; in 2015 another of her beloved characters, Mog the forgetful cat, was brought to life in an animated Christmas ad for Sainsbury's, alongside one final Mog book: Mog's Christmas Calamity.
克尔出生于1923年,直到40多岁才开始写作和画插图,当时她的孩子们正在学习阅读。 2015年,她心爱的另一个角色---- 健忘的猫 Mog---- 在塞恩斯伯里的圣诞动画广告中活了过来,旁边还有一本 Mog 的最后一本书: Mog 的圣诞灾难。
Lesson learned: It's never too late to start. Judith Kerr had a career as an artist and worked at the BBC as a scriptwriter, and it wasn't until she was 45 that The Tiger That Came to Tea was published. So if you're approaching 30 and still haven't had your big break, don't be disheartened; there's still plenty of time.
经验教训: 开始永远不会太晚。 朱迪思 · 克尔的职业是一名艺术家,曾在英国广播公司担任编剧,直到45岁,《来喝茶的老虎》才出版。 所以,如果你已经快30岁了,但还没有获得重大突破,不要灰心丧气,时间还很充裕。