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    2020 Flu Shot Strategy: Get Yours Early In The Season


    Flu shots will be in stock at doctors' offices, pharmacies and supermarkets by early September. And though what's normally thought of as flu season in North Americadoesn't really begin until October and peaks between December and February, because of changes wrought by COVID-19, now is the time to start thinking about when, how and where you'll get immunized against the flu this year.


    "If you usually get the shot at the office but you're working from home, for example, you'll need a new plan, says Lori Uscher-Pines, a senior policy researcher with the Rand Corp. "And if you usually drop in to the pharmacy or the supermarket for your shot while you're out and about anyway, you'll need a new plan this year if, these days, you're just not 'out and about.' "



    But do make a plan. "No year is a good year to get the flu, but this year — with COVID-19 also raging — it's especially bad," says Mark Thompson, an epidemiologist in the Influenza Division at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


    "People who can avoid the flu will help reduce the burden on a U.S. health care system already overwhelmed by COVID-19," Thompson says.



    Emergency rooms and urgent care clinics are often flooded with flu patients during winter months, he explains. So getting a flu shot can help prevent those visits — and thereby prevent the co-mingling of flu patients and COVID-19 patients, who can infect each other and spread their viruses to other ER patients.


    "This year, more than ever, we're trying to get out the message that flu is no benign disease and you should do everything you can to prevent it," says L.J Tan, the chief strategy officer at the Immunization Action Coalition, a nonprofit group in St. Paul, Minn., that provides educational information for physicians and consumers on immunization.

    “今年,我们比以往任何时候都更努力地向外界传达这样一个信息:流感不是一种良性疾病,你应该尽你所能来预防它。”J Tan是免疫行动联盟的首席战略官,这是一个位于明尼苏达州圣保罗的非营利组织,为医生和消费者提供关于免疫接种的教育信息。

    In most years, some who get the flu would reasonably choose to ride it out, feeling miserable for a week or so, or even shorten the illness by taking one of several prescription drugs approved to treat the illness, says Dr. Steven Pergam, an associate professor in the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.


    But this year, "even people who never see a doctor for the flu might be prompted to book an appointment or head for the ER if they feel flu-like symptoms coming on," Pergam says.


    That's because the flu and COVID-19 can share many (though not all) symptoms, including fever, chills, cough, sore throat, muscle or body aches, headaches and fatigue. Loss of taste and smell, which can happen with COVID-19, does not occur with the flu.


      上一篇:在保持社交距离期间,玩游戏可能会让你保持理智 下一篇:加快有氧运动:如何重新启动你的锻炼计划


