Living for others, if understood in a positive way, is to put the interests of other people next to your own, not before your own good.
As explained by Erika Myers, a psychotherapist in Bend, Oregon, USA: “Living for others often transcends ordinary kindness. This involves one person changing his or her words or behaviors for the sake of others' feelings and interests." Accordingly, you tend to ignore your own thoughts and do things in a way that you think others will like. So, are you living for others too much?
正如美国俄勒冈州本德市的心理治疗师Erika Myers所解释的那样:“为他人而活往往超越了普通的善良。这包括一个人为了他人的感受和兴趣而改变自己的语言或行为。”因此,你往往会忽略自己的想法,以你认为别人会喜欢的方式做事。那么,你是不是为别人活得太久了?
6 signs you are not living for yourself
You lose your own opinion
The most obvious manifestation of those who live excessively for others is the loss of their own opinions and positions. For them, self-worth is calculated by the trust and recognition of others.
According to Myers, these people often live with the thought: "I only deserve to be loved when I give everything I have to people around". They feel really good about being appreciated by people and believe that people only care for them when they are useful.
You need someone else to like you
If you are someone who lives too much for others, you are often afraid that others will hate you or be rejected by them. This fear often drives you to do something to please others and to avoid being rejected by them.
You will also have the desire to be needed by people and believe that you will have a chance to receive more love from those who need you. There is one thing that you may not know, before you want to be loved by others, you must love yourself.
It is very difficult to say "no" to others
Sometimes, you may feel that saying "no" or rejecting someone's request will make them feel like you don't care for them. Therefore, agreeing to do what others want is sometimes a safe choice to help you maintain a relationship, even though there are times when you don't have the time or the ability to help them.
Not stopping there, you sometimes even disagree to do things that you personally do not like or things that you think are wrong. This seems simple but can cause many big problems. They prove that you are putting the thoughts of others above your own. Some people may take advantage of it and "manipulate" you to do what they want even if it's wrong, because they know that you won't be able to say no to others.
You apologize even if you did nothing wrong
Are you always the one to apologize when something unexpected happens? Please answer this question honestly.
People who live to please others are often willing to admit all their mistakes, even when they have done nothing wrong. For example, a colleague asked you to order food for the office, but because the restaurant was missing an application, everyone had to wait 2 hours to have lunch. Even though you carefully ordered your food before meal time and missing the menu is the restaurant's fault, you still apologize and feel sorry to your co-workers, you even believe your co-workers will hate it. and never trusted you to order lunch again.
You quickly agree with someone, even though you think it's wrong
You think that getting the same opinion with someone often means gaining their recognition.
Sometimes, you are asked how you feel about a colleague's opinion or ideas. While others commended, "What a great idea", you also said, "This is a good idea" even though you feel the idea is flawed and not really good.
You have trouble defining your own desires
People who live for others too much often find it difficult to realize what they really want. The reason is because they choose to ignore their own thoughts in order to satisfy the wishes of those around them. Gradually, they become disoriented and do not know what they need or really want.
Sometimes these people do not dare to speak their true feelings, even though they want others to listen. For example, you often avoid telling coworkers that they make you feel tired, “They didn't mean it. If I say that, I will hurt them ”. But, unknowingly, you are denying an important fact: They are the ones who hurt you.