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    Bride Complains Her Wedding Dress Looks ‘Nothing Like Order’, Gets An Email Saying It’s Inside Out


    Every bride dreams of looking perfect on their wedding day, so you can imagine this woman’s fury when hers arrived and looked nothing like what she ordered online.


    But after sending an angry message to the store, the US woman made an embarrassing discovery: she had tried the dress on inside out.


    Bride-to-be Deux Aubrey decided to admit her mistake and made a humorous Facebook post, revealing how she got into this situation in the first place.


    “This was not a joke, I wish it were but I am not that creative,” she wrote. For those asking ‘How this happened?’, Aubrey explained that she was sleep-deprived from doing 16-24 hour shifts for a living and having to go through her finals week.


    “I have no idea about fashion or shipping measures for formal dresses. I wear scrubs and tactical boots for a living,” Aubrey continued. “No, I am not a natural blonde but it fits the bill on this one. Hoping other brides can read this and not panic or get upset when their dress arrives in the mail.”


    A few weeks ago, bride-to-be Deux Aubrey ordered a wedding dress on the Internet and couldn’t wait to receive it


    When the dress finally arrived at her doorstep, Aubrey was sleep-deprived, in a rush between jobs, and generally upset with having to prepare for her big day online


    This is how the dress was being marketed


    But when her partner laced her up, Aubrey looked like this

    但当她的搭档帮她穿上时 ,奥布里看起来是这样的

    She got really angry and contacted the company, trying to return the dress


    But after going through her photos, the company told Aubrey she had worn the dress inside out


    Aubrey said you can cry about the disasters and imperfect moments that hit us when we least expect them, or you can laugh into forever. “I’m glad you could join us with a light heart and laugh with us into that forever. May your wedding ‘disasters’ be simple fixes or at least one day hysterical in retrospect too.”


    Image credits: Deux Aubrey

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