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    This Family Started Doing ‘Real Life’ Christmas Cards 7 Years Ago And They Get Crazier As The Kids Grow Up


    Most families are trying hard to make the festive season picture-perfect, where everyone is happy, nobody talks politics, and the children don’t complain about their gifts. But the idyllic world is better left to Coca-Cola commercials, since the real-life festive season is often very different.


    And one family from North Carolina is celebrating precisely the imperfection of family Christmas. For the past 7 years, the Stanleys have been making Christmas cards where every family member participates.


    The result is both cute and hilarious since the little ones are pictured wreaking havoc in the house and things get messy, and oh boy, it does feel out of control. But isn’t that the whole beauty of winter holidays?


    “The very first time we tried to take a ‘traditional’ Christmas card photo we had hilariously bad results. From there the tradition was born—instead of trying to send perfect cards, we would send something that represented the chaos of parenting,” the Stanleys told Bored Panda previously. So let’s take a look at what the buzz is all about!

    “我们第一次想要拍一张‘传统’圣诞贺卡的照片,结果糟糕得可笑。从那以后,这个传统就诞生了——与其寄完美的卡片,我们要寄一些代表父母养育混乱的东西,”斯坦利夫妇之前告诉Bored Panda网站。那么,让我们一起来看看这些嗡嗡声都是关于什么的吧!

    The Stanley family from North Carolina has been capturing the essence of raising their kids in Christmas cards for the past 7 years


    Bored Panda reached out to the creative dad Jonathan Stanley who has been doing these real-life Christmas cards with his family every year since 2014. Jonathan previously told us that the idea came when the traditional photo didn’t go according to plan.

    Bored Panda网站找到了富有创意的爸爸乔纳森·斯坦利,他从2014年起每年都和家人一起制作这些真实的圣诞贺卡。乔纳森之前告诉我们,当传统照片没有按照计划进行时,就产生了这个想法。

    “We were new parents with a one-year-old and everything went wrong—baby cried the whole time, it was windy, the lighting kept changing, you name it. If 2 of us looked okay, the third one blinked. We laughed so hard at how bad the photos were that we decided just to send them out as is and our family loved it.”


    Thus, the Stanleys’ annual Christmas cards turned into a cute family tradition that perfectly sums up how the year has been. Jonathan told us that the biggest change during the past years has been kids. “As they grow older, it opens up more possibilities of what we can shoot. After all, it’s a lot easier to get an 8-year-old to pose with a nail gun than a 2-year-old.”


    When it comes to inspiration for their annual shoot, the Stanleys look at their kids’ behavior throughout the year. “For example,” dad explained, “in 2019, they were very interested in flying the drone with me, so I simply built on that natural interest and imagined what they might do if we weren’t watching.”


    Most importantly, as the kids have grown older, they love the annual shoots even more now than when they were young. Dad believes it’s because they now “actually understand it and I can explain what we’re doing. My son got to present the cards to his kindergarten class this year, and he seemed very proud of them.”


    And here is this year’s Christmas card


    And as for the 2020 Christmas card, Jonathan said that his boys became interested in nailing boards together and using hammers. “So naturally a nail gun is very cool to them and provided inspiration for this year’s card.”


    “Also, we can’t go to the rock climbing wall because of COVID, so they’ve started climbing the moulding/trim around the door frames instead. The pic of my son climbing on the far right… that’s 100% real. No Photoshop needed!”

    “另外,因为COVID的原因,我们不能去攀岩墙,所以他们已经开始沿着门框攀爬。我儿子爬到最右边的那张照片,百分百真实。不需要Photoshop !”


    More info: Instagram (Jonathan Stanley)

      上一篇:一个神秘的人在半夜按响了这家人的门铃,结果是他们家的猫 下一篇:超级土坯土包圆顶社区赋予了居民力量


