对于有些小伙伴来说,越是努力背单词背语法,英语成绩越是难看,倒不如去多读多看些自己喜欢的文章,在文章中培养语感和理解力,下面是小编整理的关于英语世界文摘:Into the Light的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Into the Light
ByRachel Kelly
Eight years ago, the idea that I might ever emerge from the darkness of deep clinical depression and be well again seemed unthinkable. Yet now, many winters have passed and I have returned to the light. Mostly I am calm and well, and some days I even feel as if I’m walking on sunshine.
My depression was born of[1] anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. At that low point almost two decades ago, it was so severe and the physical agony of the illness so painful, all I wanted to do was to die. I would lie in bed, clinging to[2]my mother’s arm so tightly that it was red from my clutch[3]. She was often all that lay between me and the real possibility of suicide: my husband was out at work and she had come to live with us.
[1] be born of 来源于,由……导致。
[2] cling to 紧紧抓住。
[3] clutch 抓住;握紧。
Now that I am feeling better, I am learning how to do less, to be more grateful and to enjoy the moment.
So blessed do I feel to have made this recovery that over the past year, I have been emboldened[4] to keep a diary of my progress.
[4] embolden 加强勇气或信心。
Here are eight of my small steps–two for each season–which have helped me become happier.
[5] stuffocation 由杂物(stuff)和窒息(suffocation)组合而成,指被堆积的杂物淹没而感到不堪重负。
I find the sunshine a welcome change, but with it comes a familiar itch[6]: the need to spring clean. April finds me noticing the dusty piles that seem to have accumulated in every corner. I know clearing cupboards clears my mind; feeling overwhelmed can quickly lead to feeling anxious.
[6] itch 渴望;热望。
But here’s the problem: I’m one of those people who finds it hard to throw things out–it runs in the family. My granny kept a mouse in the freezer in case she ever got a cat. The following working rule has helped. I save only what gives me joy or has some indelible[7] link to family and friends. If in doubt[8], I imagine how mortified[9] I would be if others found out that something they’d given me had been chucked out[10]. Anything else can be thanked and sent on its way.
[7] indelible 无法磨灭、消除的。
[8] in doubt 不确定,拿不准。
[9] mortified 极度难堪或羞愧。
[10] chuck out 比较口语化的表达,意为扔掉,丢弃。
The ‘Three Good Things’ practice[11] has proved handy and comes especially naturally as spring bulbs poke their heads up and the evenings grow longer. As I settle for bed, I think of three positive things that happened during the day, and add them to my ‘gratitude’ notebook. It’s easy to be grateful for nice things but, over time, the trick I’m learning is how to be grateful for the less obviously positive events in the day. This teaches us to tap into the mindset that everything is happening for us rather than to us. We can begin to recognise opportunities and lessons in place of[12] disappointment and dejection.
[11] 一种有助于保持乐观积极心态的心理疗法,即每天记录三件好事。
[12] in place of 替代。
Flower power
I’m lucky to have a small back garden which is a constant stress-reliever throughout the year, but never more so than in the dusty days of summer when I retreat from the city to my tiny patch[13] of green. As I deadhead[14] overblown[15] roses and sweep faded leaves and detritus[16] into tidy mounds[17], I have a sense of regaining control and peace. Find a fragrant flower as you are walking along. Hold it under your nose, close your eyes, take deep breaths and inhale deeply. Whenever I do this, I al-ways walk on with a spring[18] in my step.
[13] patch(与周围不同的)小块,小片。
[14] deadhead 英式英语表达,指摘掉植物的枯花。
[16] detritus 这里应该指玫瑰的残骸。
[17] mound 一堆。
[18] spring 此处为双关语义,一指春天,一指步伐轻快有活力。
When a treasured piece of pottery gets broken in Japan, the cracks are mended with special glue that has been mixed together with powdered gold. The cracks are deliberately made a feature thanks to this art, which is known askintsugi[19] or ‘golden joinery.’ The piece thereby becomes unique, and arguably more beautiful.
[19] kintsugi 金缮,一种陶瓷修复工艺,还可以应用于对竹、木、牙、紫砂、玉器的修复,可以赋予所修复之物一种特别的“残缺之美”。
I feel as if I too have undergone this repair process. Like a broken Japanese pot or vase, I have experienced plenty of breaks, but time and patience have put me back together again with new and interesting features. It’s an idea that makes me feel wonderfully calm.