教程:英语漫读  浏览:274  
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    Why do some Buddhists need to renounce the lay life?

    Before answering this question, it is necessary to explain the Buddhist doctrine of Pañca-yāna (Five Vehicles). Yāna means a vehicle which can carry passengers to their destinations, far or near. It is used here as a metaphor of the Buddha's teachings. The doctrine of Pañca-sīla (Five Pre-cepts: abstaining from taking life from sentient beings, taking things not given, sexual misconduct, false speech, the use of intoxicants) enables the practitioners to be reborn in the human world, so it is called Manussa-yāna (human-vehicle). The doctrine of Dasa-kusalānī (Ten meritorious acts—avoidance of the ten evils: 1. killing, 2. taking things not given, 3. sexual misconduct, 4. irresponsible speech, 5. speech inciting discord, 6. harsh speech, 7. licentious talk, 8. covetousness, 9. anger and 10. heterodoxy, i.e. denial of the doctrine of cause-effect) enables the practitioners to be reborn in heaven, so it is called Deva-yāna (heavenly vehicle). The doctrine of Four Noble Truths (ariya-sacca, namely, the truth of Suffering, of the Origin of suffering, of the Extinction of suffering, and of the Eight-fold Path leading to the extinction of suffering) enables the people to discard wrong views (diṭṭhānusaya or micchā-diṭṭhi) such as ego-illusion (atta-diṭṭhi), eternity-belief (sassata-diṭṭhi), annihilation-belief (uccheda-diṭṭhi), etc., and defiled thought (micchā-saṅkappa) such as greed (lobha), hatred (dosa) and delusion (moha), finally, to attain nibbāna(enlightenment). So it is called sāvaka-yāna (voice-hearer vehicle). Voice means the Buddha's teachings. Those who hear the Buddha's teachings, realize the Four Noble Truths and are free from sufferings are called sāvakā. Before the advent of the Buddha-Dhamma, people who independently came to the realization of the Theory of Paṭiccasamupāda (Dependent Origination) and obtained emancipation, but were unable to speak out their self-enlightened truth were called Pacceka-Buddha (Independently Enlightened One). That is why the Dhamma of Dependent Origination is called the vehicle of self-enlightenment (pacceka-yāna). The doctrine of Six Perfections (cha pāramitā) enables the practitioners to act in the way of Bodhisatta, to undergo the countless difficulties and hardships in cycles of birth and death, and to finally attain Buddhahood. So this teaching is called the vehicle of Bodhisatta (Bodhisatta-yāna).

      上一篇:佛教常识_现在佛经一般有几种文字? 下一篇:佛教常识_五乘教法与出家有何关系?


