What is the relation between the doctrine of Five Vehicles (Pañcayāna) and renunciation of the world (pabbajjā)?
The Human Vehicle and Heavenly Vehicle do not require leaving home. The Pacceka Buddhas (self-enlightened ones), living in the absence of the Buddha Dhamma, led lives of hermits in the mountains and forests, but went through no ceremony of renunciation. As for Budhisattas, some lived at home, and some did not. In their case, it is not necessary to leave home. Whether or not they leave home depends upon the conditions (hetu-paccaya) of their maintaining the Buddha Dhamma and benefiting all living beings. For example, at the time of Sākyamuni Buddha, both Bodhisattas Mañjuśrī and Maitreya (P. Metteyya) were Bhikkhus, whereas Vimalakīrti, though a great Bodhisatta, was a layman (a scholar studying Buddhism at home). So it is only in sāvakayāna those who seek to achieve Nibbāna by becoming Arahats need to leave home and lead a homeless life.