quiet now your voice sings miles away
somehow i hear your song resound
a little bit softer each day
from my tired heart
a little bit farther away
ill sing alone
the whole day through
just do your best to hear me
its all you can do
you have my attention
like youve had all the while
since that first day when you made my heart smile
with loving eyes and tired sighs that follow
you have my attention
like a shout through an empty sanctuary
speak but a whisper
ill hear a sermon
ill sing alone
the whole day through
just do your best to hear me
its all you can do
ill sing alone
the whole night through
while you sleep safely
ill be thinking about you
you have my attention
在Copeland眼中,只有这样的歌才是一首不折不扣的好歌,这也是他们测试自创歌曲的标准。Copeland是一支来自佛罗里达的乐队,签约于独立厂牌MilitiaGroup。“天使般的声音”——MilitiaGroup官方网站上如此评价Marsh的唱腔。一个男人的声音被说成像天使一样,不知各位能不能想象出来。不过这并不说明Marsh声音性别模糊,相反,Marsh阳刚气十足,也不乏激情,被说成像天使,只能说Marsh的声音太纯了,没有掺杂任何的杂质。虽然Copeland成立于2000年,可它们的debut“Beneath Medicine Tree”2003年才发行,之前曾发行了一系列的单曲和EP,可以说,“Beneath Medicine Tree”是一张厚积薄发的专辑。Marsh说:“With Beneath Medicine Tree, I wanted to make a record that moves people”在我看来,Marsh确实做到了。美妙的旋律,华丽的背景,构成了“Beneath Medicine Tree”的基础。在Marsh动情的声音中,电吉他、急速的鼓声变得不再嘈杂,染上了委婉动人的色彩。而适时出现的木吉他优美旋律更加深了感人的力度。
今天带来他们去年发行的新专辑当中的一首歌曲You Have my Attention。