One of these days you’ll be
under the covers you’ll be
under the table and you’ll realize
all of your days are numbered;
all of them one to one hundred.
All of them millions.
All of them trillions.
So what are you gonna do with them all?
You can not trade them in for mall.
no no
Chorus 1:
Take every moment; you know that you own them.
It’s all you can do, use what’s been given to you.
Give me a reason
to fight the feeling
that there’s nothing here for me.
Cause none of its easy,
I know it wasn’t meant to be.
I know it’s all up to me x2.
So what am I gonna do with my time?
Chorus 2:
Ill take every moment, I know that I own them.
It’s all up to you to do whatever you choose.
Chorus 3:
Live like you’re dying and never stop trying.
It’s all you can do, use what’s been given to you.
All of the moments you didn’t notice;
gone in the blink of an eye.
All of the feelings you couldn’t feel
no matter how you try.
oh oh
Chorus 1
Chorus 3 x2
oh oh
【Lenka Kripac简介】
名字:Lenka Kripac
首张同名大碟《Lenka》,一次动员Stuart Brawley(Celine Dion、Seal、The Rolling Stones)、Pierre Marchand(Sarah McLachlan、Rufus Wainwright、BT)、Mike Elizondo(Maroon 5、Pink、Sheryl Crow)、John Alagia(Dave Matthews Band、John Mayer、Jason Mraz)、Jason Lader(Jay-Z、Gwen Stefani、Coldplay)等五位当红制作人联手打造。轻巧舒服的开场曲〈The Show〉,倚著曼妙琴韵随处飘扬,Lenka的嗓音甜而不腻且像个小淘气般蹦跳游移其中,绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳;无压舒缓的引出〈Skipalong〉,轻柔抚慰成人世界的疲惫心灵;飘散如Jem、Feist这类电气女伶相似迷离音场的〈Don't Let Me Fall〉,加料的有著弦乐适时辅佐,拉开更为美丽的章节片段;小心翼翼的让Acoustic吉他不越矩的回汤〈Knock Knock〉里头,动听满点的让你不忍随乐摇摆;〈Dangerous And Sweet〉、〈We Will Not Grow Old〉等曲目都是值得你一再反覆聆听的推荐佳作。专辑介绍
01. 《The Show》