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  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    46.Our class is organizing a talent show to________some extra money for charity.

    47.My classmate Larry started ______when he was nine and he won the first prize in

    the school race.

    48.My hobby is________old cons.

    49. I didn’t finish writing my test because I_______time.

    50. During the winter I ______my summer clothes in bags under my bed.



    Don’t Talk to Strangers

    With a View to Designing Clothes

    A Tour Guide

    Treat Your Teeth with Care

    Recycle Makes Us Rich

    Tips for a New Mother

    ( )51.Karen often worries about her bad teeth.

    ( )52. Maria is going to have a bay,but she doesn’t know how to be a good mother.

    ( )53.Bob doesn’t know ow to deal with the used empty bottles.

    ( )54.Mike is going to have a hliday. He hasn’t decided where to go.

    ( )55.Betty would like to own a shop that sells clothes she has designed.

      上一篇:初一入学考试英语试卷 下一篇:初中英语入学考试试题

