教程:其他资料  浏览:3266  
  • 提示:点击文章中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
    四 根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的正确形式 10分

    51. Nice to _______ ( 遇见 ) you!

    52. Is that an ________ ( 橡皮擦 )?No , it’s an ruler .

    53. Please ______ (带给) these things to your sister .

    54. Do you have a __________ (足球) ? No , I don’t .

    55. I have two _________ (西红柿) every day .

    56. Can I _________ ( 帮助 ) you ?

    57.My birthday is O_______ fifth. I will buy a birthday cake .

    58. I want to see an action _______ (电影).

    59. Jim likes music very much so he plays the p______ every morning .

    60. I like Zhao Benshan . Because he is very ________ (搞笑).

    五 句型转换.10分

    61 That is an egg 变成复数句

    _______ are _________.

    62 Jim has some dictionaries 变成否定句

    Jim ________ have _________ dictionaries .

    63. What’s the price of the T-shirt ? It’s 20 dollars 变成同义句

    _________ ________ is the T-shirt?

    64. Linda’s backpack is on the table 就画线部分提问

    ________ ________ Linda’s backpack?

    65. Jim Green is 16 years old就画线部分提问

    _______ ______ is Jim Green ?

    六 写作技能 15分

    A: Lucy, what time do you get up?

    B: ___66____

    A: ___67____

    B: Yes, on weekdays. And I have breakfast at about 6:45.

    A: What do you have for breakfast?

    B: Oh, bread and milk .___68____

    A: Tea(茶) and bread .___69____

    B: Do Chinese like tea ?

    A: Yes , many Chinese do . But I don’t .

    B: ____70______

    A: Oh, yes . He likes it very much.

      上一篇:八年级下册英语报纸答案 下一篇:北京申奥和奥运标志英文说明

