I. Translate the following (10%)
1. From English into Chinese : (5%)
( 1 ) exclusive territory 专营地区
( 2 ) shipping mark 唛头
( 3 ) profit and loss 盈亏,损益
( 4 ) payable on receipt 货到付款
( 5 ) remittance 汇付
( 6 ) confirmation of purchase购货确认书
( 7 ) inventory 存货
( 8 ) F.A.S. 船边交货价
( 9 ) tender 投标
( 10 ) T . P . N . D . 偷窃提货不着险
2. From Chinese into English : ( 5%)
( 1 )空白背书 blank endorsement
( 2 ) 凭单据付款 cash against documents
( 3 ) 记名提单 straight B/L
( 4 ) 商品交易所 Commodity Exchange
( 5 ) 品质证明书 certificate of quality