n 5/16
n 叙述过去的,常用过去时,偶尔也用现在完成时;讨论某一计划,用将来时,叙述部分用现在时。另外也用进行时态,偶尔用过去完成时。
n 2. 修辞手法简单
n 商务英语很少用夸张、明喻、隐喻、借喻、拟人、对照等修辞手法(广告英语除外)。
n 因为商务英语注重事实和逻辑,所以用图表、公式和数字的时候多。
n 商务英语中只有“叙述、推理和结论”等过程,这就决定了商务英语“修辞单调”的特点。
n The so-called economic globalization refers to the continuous increase in the scale and form of the transnational flow of commodities, services, production elements and information, improving the efficiency of the allocation of resources within the scope of the world market through international division of labor, thereby increasingly deepening the trend of the degree of interdependence between various economies.
n 所谓经济全球化是指商品、服务、生产要素与信息的跨国界流动的规模和形式不断增加,通过国际分工,在世界市场范围内提高资源配置的效率,从而使各国间经济相互依赖程度日益加深的趋势。
n The stock market, as a stock exchange is sometimes called, is attractive to many people and companies because investors make money by investing in it, while companies raise capital in it.
n 证券市场,有时被称为股票交易所,吸引了众多个人和公司,这是因为投资者可以在这里投资获利,而公司则可以在这里筹集到资金。
n The Rolls-Royce is guaranteed for three years. With a new network of dealers and parts-depots from coast-to-coast, service is no problem.
n 劳斯莱斯保修期3年,新型经销商和备件仓库间网络的建立使得两岸间的服务不成问题。