暮光之城4.破晓下 精彩对白
1.It is just happening. 终于盼来了。
2. You just have to break them in. 你只要练习下就好了
-----I have been breaking them in for 3 days. 我都练了3天了
e.g. The new shoes are really stiff. You will have to break them in before they feelcomfortable
3. I’m thinking it is just a little much,you know? 我觉得这有点过了,不是吗?
4. I know, i look hot. 我知道我看起来很精神/帅。
5. You‘re having second thoughts? 你有其它想法了?
6. Charlie, get in here. Charlie,快过来。
7. I am happy for you. 我真替你高兴。
8. Afraid I will trash your party?
担心我会搞砸你的派对?/担心我会踢场子?trsh v. 搞垮 n.垃圾
9. Are you out of mind? 你疯了吗?
10. You‘ve done us a great service, Jacob. Jacob,你已经帮了我们大忙了。
11. You've played us! 你耍我们!
Ladies and gentlemen, we're gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me.
M:"I, Edward Cullen. Take you, Bella Swan" 我,Edward Cullen. 将与你,Bella Swan.
"To have and to hold" 永结同心
F: For better or for worse 不论好坏
M:For richer or for poorer 不论富有或贫穷
F:In sickness and in health 不论疾病与健康
M:To love 都将彼此相爱
F: To cherish. As long as we both shall live. 互相珍惜。直到永远
M:I do. 我愿意
F:I do. 我愿意
M&F: I love you.
Iould like to thank Renee and Chalie, for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives.
We will cherish and protect her forever. 我想谢谢Renee和Chalie,让这么出色的人来到人间,来到我们身边。我们会永远珍惜她,保护她。
1.It is an extradinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to.
2. They will accept you for what you are.
3. I have been waiting what seems like a very long time to get beyond what I am.
4. With Bella, I feel like I can finally begin.
5. No measure of time with you will be long enough, but let us start with forever.
婚礼上的插曲歌名是《fightless bird》,很好听的一首歌。