Surviving Rape in the Military
The issue of sexual assault in the military makes the news periodically, usually in articles with mouth-dropping statistics and official outrage.
Mary F. Calvert read such an article. It estimated that while 26,000 rapes and sexual assaults took place in the armed forces in 2012, only one in seven victims reported the attack and only one in 10 of those cases went to trial.
玛丽·F·卡尔弗特(Mary F. Calvert)读了一篇这样的文章。文章估计,尽管2012年军中发生了26000起强奸和性侵事件,仅七分之一的受害者将攻击行为上报,上报案件中仅十分之一上了法庭。
But Ms. Calvert, a photojournalist who documents gender-based human rights issues, often in the developing world, could not let the story go.
“Even though I’ve taught a workshop for military photographers for 17 years,” she said, “I had no idea that this was happening in my backyard. The numbers blew me away.”
She had previously done a project on rape as a tool of war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rebel groups were systematically raping thousands of women. “And, perhaps worst of all,” she recalled, “the Congolese National Army committed about a third of the rapes. The story had a huge impact on me.”
She knew she had to explore this issue at home in a way that would reach the public consciousness. So she decided to find survivors of what is officially called military sexual trauma and tell their stories. Ms. Calvert, a former staff photographer for The Washington Times, found her first subjects close to home, on Capitol Hill. She attended a hearing on military sexual trauma — M.S.T. — in a nearly empty hearing room. There she met Jennifer Norris, who was testifying that her Air Force recruiter had raped her.
她知道,她必须通过一种可以触及公众意识的方式在本国探讨这个问题。所以,她决定寻找被正式地称为“军中性创伤”(military sexual trauma)的幸存者。前《华盛顿时报》(The Washington Times)摄影师卡尔弗特在本地找到了她的第一批拍摄对象,她们就在国会山(Capitol Hill)。她在一间几乎空无一人的听证厅中参加了一场关于军中性创伤——简称M.S.T.——的听证会。在那里,她见到了珍妮弗·诺里斯 (Jennifer Norris),她正作证说,其空军征兵人强奸了她。
“Just like that,” Ms. Calvert said, “doors began to open. I photographed one of the women I met at a Senate hearing at her home in Virginia. Jessica Hinves was an Air Force fighter jet mechanic who lost her career when she reported being raped by a man in her squadron. Jess and Jen referred me to other M.S.T. survivors, and it just went on from there.”
“就这样,”卡尔弗特说,“一扇扇门开始向我开启。我在一位我在参议院听证会上结识的女性位于弗吉尼亚州的家中拍摄了她。杰西卡·亨弗斯 (Jessica Hinves)过去是一名空军战斗机机械师,她在上报被她中队中的一名男性强奸后失去了自己的事业。杰西卡和珍妮弗为我介绍了其他军中性创伤幸存者,这件事就从那里开始了。”
After receiving the Canon Female Photojournalist Award, along with 8,000 euros, at the Visa Pour l’Image photography festival in Perpignan, France in September 2013 for this project, Ms. Calvert began traveling around the United States, documenting survivors. They were everywhere, in every branch of the military.
在2013年9月于法国佩皮尼昂维萨摄影节(Visa Pour I'Image photography festival)上因此项目获得了“佳能年度女报道摄影师奖”(Canon Female Photojournalist Award)及8千欧元(约合6万元人民币)奖金后,卡尔弗特开始环游美国,记录幸存者。她们无处不在,存在于军队的每个部门。
Their stories were horrifying.
Survivors who reported on their assaults say they have been harassed, shunned, ridiculed, drummed out of their regiments. Many suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance abuse. Many can no longer hold a job, even years after their assaults. Some cling to therapy dogs.
Whole families are affected. Ms. Calvert photographed Gary Noling of Alliance, Ohio, devastated after his daughter, Carri Goodwin, drank herself to death five days after she went home with a bad conduct discharge – having endured severe retaliation, she said, for reporting her rape to her Marine commander.
整个家庭都被波及。卡尔弗特拍摄了俄亥俄州阿莱恩斯的加里·诺林(Gary Noling),他在女儿凯莉·古德温(Carri Goodwin)因行为不检被开除回到家五天后酗酒致死之后情绪崩溃——女儿说,她因向其海军长官汇报了自己被强奸一事而经受了严厉的报复。
One survivor still on active duty in the Army, Specialist Natasha Schuette, let Ms. Calvert photograph her in uniform. Her assailant who assaulted her and several other soldiers is now in prison, a rare occurrence in the military, where such assaults are usually treated as breaches of conduct, not criminal offenses. While the Army honored Specialist Schuette for her courage in reporting her assault, she remains a loner, Ms. Calvert said. “I attempted to get permission from the Army to photograph her at work,” Ms. Calvert said, “but my request has been denied several times. In fact, all of my requests to photograph sexual assault prevention trainings have been denied or ignored and my website is even blocked on at least two different Air Force bases in the U.S.”
仍为陆军现役士兵的幸存者特勤人员娜塔莎·许特(Natasha Schuette)允许卡尔弗特在她身着制服时拍摄了她。对她及其他几名士兵实施了侵害的攻击者现已入狱——这种情况在通常将此类侵害视为行为违规而非刑事犯罪的军中甚为罕见。卡尔弗特说,尽管陆军褒扬了特勤人员许特上报侵害事件的勇气,但她仍成了孤家寡人。“我试着从陆军那里获得在她工作时拍摄她的允许,”卡尔弗特说,“但是我的请求几次被拒。事实上,我所有拍摄防止性侵训练的请求要么被拒、要么被无视,我的网站甚至在至少两个美国空军基地被封。”
Still, sexual assaults in the military made the news again recently. On Dec. 3, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced that sexual assault reports were up 8 percent over 2013. The report also estimated the number of cases at 19,000, down from 26,000 in 2012. Mr. Hagel said that meant the military was making progress in its handling of sexual assault cases.
不过,军中性侵最近再度被媒体报道。12月3日,国防部长查克·哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)宣布,性侵报告比2013年增多了8%。报告估计案件数为19000起,较2012年的26000起有所下降。哈格尔说,这说明军队在处理性侵案件方面取得了进展。