Speaking While Female
YEARS ago, while producing the hit TV series “The Shield,” Glen Mazzara noticed that two young female writers were quiet during story meetings. He pulled them aside and encouraged them to speak up more.
数年前,在制作热播电视剧《盾牌》(The Shield)的时候,格伦·马扎拉(Glen Mazzara)注意到,在开剧本会的时候,两位年轻的女性编剧不怎么说话。他把她们拉到一边,鼓励她们多多发言。
Watch what happens when we do, they replied.
Almost every time they started to speak, they were interrupted or shot down before finishing their pitch. When one had a good idea, a male writer would jump in and run with it before she could complete her thought.
Sadly, their experience is not unusual.
We’ve both seen it happen again and again. When a woman speaks in a professional setting, she walks a tightrope. Either she’s barely heard or she’s judged as too aggressive. When a man says virtually the same thing, heads nod in appreciation for his fine idea. As a result, women often decide that saying less is more.
Some new studies support our observations. A study by a Yale psychologist, Victoria L. Brescoll, found that male senators with more power (as measured by tenure, leadership positions and track record of legislation passed) spoke more on the Senate floor than their junior colleagues. But for female senators, power was not linked to significantly more speaking time.
一些新的研究为我们的观点提供了证据。耶鲁大学心理学家维多利亚·L·布里斯克(Victoria L. Brescoll)的一项研究发现,拥有更大权力(从任期、领导职位和通过的立法数量来衡量)的男性参议员,在参议院的发言时间多于资历较浅的同事。但对于女参议员而言,权力和更多的发言时间之间关系并不明显。
Suspecting that powerful women stayed quiet because they feared a backlash, Professor Brescoll looked deeper. She asked professional men and women to evaluate the competence of chief executives who voiced their opinions more or less frequently. Male executives who spoke more often than their peers were rewarded with 10 percent higher ratings of competence. When female executives spoke more than their peers, both men and women punished them with 14 percent lower ratings. As this and other research shows, women who worry that talking “too much” will cause them to be disliked are not paranoid; they are often right.
布里斯克教授怀疑,影响力较大的女性依然发言不多,是因为她们担心招人反感,因此进行了更深入的调查。教授让职业男性和女性来评估高管的能力,这些高管中,有些人表达自己观点的时候比较多,有些则比较少。在男性高管中,发言更多的人获得的能力评分要高10%。而在女性高管中,发言更多的人评分会低 14%,无论评分者是男性还是女性。该研究和其他一些研究所示,担心自己发言“太多”会导致别人反感的女性并不是疑心病太重;她们的感觉往往是对的。
One of us, Adam, was dismayed to find similar patterns when studying a health care company and advising an international bank. When male employees contributed ideas that brought in new revenue, they got significantly higher performance evaluations. But female employees who spoke up with equally valuable ideas did not improve their managers’ perception of their performance. Also, the more the men spoke up, the more helpful their managers believed them to be. But when women spoke up more, there was no increase in their perceived helpfulness.
This speaking-up double bind harms organizations by depriving them of valuable ideas. A University of Texas researcher, Ethan Burris, conducted an experiment in which he asked teams to make strategic decisions for a bookstore. He randomly informed one member that the bookstore’s inventory system was flawed and gave that person data about a better approach. In subsequent analyses, he found that when women challenged the old system and suggested a new one, team leaders viewed them as less loyal and were less likely to act on their suggestions. Even when all team members were informed that one member possessed unique information that would benefit the group, suggestions from women with inside knowledge were discounted.
女性发言遭受的这种双重约束扼杀了宝贵的意见,给公司造成了损失。德克萨斯大学的研究员伊桑·伯里斯(Ethan Burris)开展过一项实验,要求一些团队为一家书店制定战略决策。然后他随机挑选一名成员,告诉此人书店的库存系统存在缺陷,并给该成员提供了一些支持更优方案的数据。在随后的分析中,他发现,当女性成员挑战旧机制,并建议采用一个新的方案时,团队领导者认为她的忠诚度较低,而且按照她的建议采取行动的可能性也较小。即使团队所有成员都被告知,某个成员掌握了有利于团队的独家信息,但如果这个成员是女性,她提出的建议仍然会遭到轻视。
Obviously, businesses need to find ways to interrupt this gender bias. Just as orchestras that use blind auditions increase the number of women who are selected, organizations can increase women’s contributions by adopting practices that focus less on the speaker and more on the idea. For example, in innovation tournaments, employees submit suggestions and solutions to problems anonymously. Experts evaluate the proposals, give feedback to all participants and then implement the best plans.
SINCE most work cannot be done anonymously, leaders must also take steps to encourage women to speak and be heard. At “The Shield,” Mr. Mazzara, the show runner, found a clever way to change the dynamics that were holding those two female employees back. He announced to the writers that he was instituting a no-interruption rule while anyone — male or female — was pitching. It worked, and he later observed that it made the entire team more effective.
The long-term solution to the double bind of speaking while female is to increase the number of women in leadership roles. (As we noted in our previous article, research shows that when it comes to leadership skills, although men are more confident, women are more competent.) As more women enter the upper echelons of organizations, people become more accustomed to women’s contributing and leading. Professor Burris and his colleagues studied a credit union where women made up 74 percent of supervisors and 84 percent of front-line employees. Sure enough, when women spoke up there, they were more likely to be heard than men. When President Obama held his last news conference of 2014, he called on eight reporters — all women. It made headlines worldwide. Had a politician given only men a chance to ask questions, it would not have been news; it would have been a regular day.
对这种女性发言的双重约束,长远的解决办法是增加领导层中的女性人数。(正如我们在以前的文章中已经了解到的,研究表明在领导技巧方面,男性更自信,但女性更胜任。)越来越多的女人正在进入企业的高层,人们也逐渐习惯了女性的意见和领导。伯里斯教授和他的同事对一家信用合作社进行了研究,那里有 74%的管理人员和84%的一线员工是女性。毫无疑问,那里的女人发言时,被听取的可能性要高过男性。在2014年的最后一次新闻发布会上,奥巴马总统回答了八名记者的问题——全部是女性。此举登上了世界各地的报章。但如果一个政治人士只给男人提问的机会,那就不会是新闻;那是寻常的一天。