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      Although resting content with retaining sovereign inthe south, rulers of the Eastern Jin did plan torecover the Central Plains in the north.


      Led by the four ranking families of Wang, Xie, Huanand Yu in succession, these southern nobles carriedout several expenditures towards the north.


      In 311 Zu Ti, a southern gentry-official, once led anexpeditionary force to the north and regained the Yellow River valley for a short time. However,Zu Ti died from too much upsetting for being not trusted by the court and left the cause ofrecovering the north unfinished.


      Afterwards ,most of the gentry-officials in power advocated northern expeditions so as to gaintheir family prestige. Among them, three northern expeditions led by Huan Wen are the bestknown.


      His armies took Luoyang, entered Guanzhong and reached Hebei. But he did not consolidatethese victories.


      In 386, the Former Qin forces marched southward and threatened the Eastern Jin impressively.


      In January 382, The King of Former Qin called together his ministers to discuss theexpenditure plan to reunify the imperial China.


      In discussion, Fu Jian insisted the march despite most of his ministers opposed the riskingoperation.


      In July of the following year, Fu Jian ordered a decisive campaign and started to draft recruitsthe nationwide.


      In August, Fu Jian set out from Chang an with his infantry force of 600 000 and cavalry forceof 270000, in such an impressive strength that it was depicted as uthe initial banners andbeats can nearly link to that of the end, and the troops in marching occupy thousands of roads” All the troops headed for the south.

      八月,苻坚从长安启程,秦军步兵60万,骑兵27万,“旗鼓相望, 前后千里”,从各地一齐向南进发。

      In sheer swell, Fu Jian even boasted his men to carry with him the stuffs such as the titles andranks for the will-be captured Emperor and ministers of the Eastern Jin.


      Scared by this threatening pose, the Eastern Jin fell into the state of turmoil.


      Nevertheless, Chancellor Xie An devised strategies in great composure by or-dered his onebrother Xie Shi to assume the position of chief general to marshal in headquarters and hisnephew, Xie Xuan as the vanguard in the battle field. The 80 000 opposing army and 5 000navies were meeting their enemy in the south.


      In October, the vanguard Fu Rong took over Shouchun and entered Luojian (west of Dingyuan,Anhui) and closed off Huai River to block Jin army and the latter had to station in the place 25miles away from Luojian.


      Informed the facts that the Jin army had merely insufficient supplies , Fu Jian hurried toShouchun with 8 000 strong crack horsemen and sent the surrendered general of Jin, Zhu Xuto intimidate Xie Shi to give in.


      Devoted to Jin, Zhu Xu told Xie Shi all the confidentials and actual strength of the Former Qin,furthermore, he suggested deboosting the morale of Qin before the main force approaching.


      Following Zhu Xu’s advice, a subordinate general Liu Laozhi, led 5000 crack forces to attackthe Qin vanguard unit at Luojian at night. The Qin unit suffered 15 000 casualties.


      Meanwhile the main force of Xie Shi proceeded along the Huai River, reached at the east bank ofFeishui (now Feihe south of Shouxian county, Aihui), facing Qin army.


      Seeing from the wall of Shouchun City, Fu Jian and Fu Rong observed that Jin army was well-organized, mistaking the trees on the Bagong Mountain as the armed soldiers, Fu Jian was byall means lost the hold.


      When asked to move back a little for a decisive battle so that Jin troops could cross the river,Fu Jian agreed, hoping to strike his blow home while the Jin troops were half-way across.

      谢玄派人要求苻融 把阵地后移,以便晋军渡河决战,苻坚企图在晋军半渡时发动突然袭击,便挥军后撤。

      Unexpectedly, when the order of withdrawal was given, the Qin troop panicked and ran inconfuse with Zhu Xu spreading the news that Fu Jian was beaten up.Jumping at theopportunity, the Jin soldiers launched a full-scale offensive attack, and scattered their enemy.


      Fu Jian fled, by the time reached Luoyang, his army was down to only a little more than 100000men.


      The battle of Feishui was Former Qin ’s attempt to reunify the imperial China.


      Due to the preparation and situation then, the endeavor was premature. Xie Shi and Xie Xuanleading the Beifu troops utterly defeated the Former Qin forces and won a decisive victory atthe Battle of Feishui.


      The southern China was shunned from the chaos and wreck so its development continued. Butthis relief from external threat was followed by a series of internal disturbances.


      First, Sun En and Lu Xun launched rebellions. Then Huan Xuan won the civil war and usurpedthe throne.


      Later, General Liu Yu of the Beifu troops suppressed the peasant uprisings and gainedprestige through a number of northern expeditions. At last, he established his own state toreplace the Eastern Jin.


      上一篇:职场吐槽:为何肥胖者同样不受优待 下一篇:中英双语话历史:东晋的统治


