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      The US has been reviewing a growing number offoreign investments for national security reasons inrecent years, with investments from China the leading targets for review, according to new datareleased by the US Treasury on last Friday.



      The disclosure contained in the annual report to Congress of the Committee on ForeignInvestment in the US comes amid a number of new mergers and acquisitions out of China beingsubmitted for review. Those include the mooted $42bn takeover of Switzerland’s Syngenta byChemChina, one of that country’s largest state-owned conglomerates, and a bid announcedthis week for the Chicago Stock Exchange, which has already drawn calls from Congress for areview.

      这一信息披露在美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment in the US, CFIUS)提交给美国国会的年度报告中。就在它公布之际,多笔来自中国的新并购交易正提交审核。其中包括中国最大国有集团之一中国化工(ChemChina)对瑞士先正达(Syngenta) 420亿美元的拟议收购,以及不久前公布的对芝加哥股票交易所(Chicago Stock Exchange)的拟议收购——该交易已引起了国会要求审查的呼吁。

      According to the report released last Friday, CFIUS received 147 notices from companiesvoluntarily seeking national security reviews in 2014. That number was up from 97 in 2013and the most seen since 2008, when a record 155 notices were filed.


      Less than half of those notices — 52 — were deemed worthy of a subsequent investigation onnational security grounds. Just one of these transactions was rejected, while a dozenapplications for review were withdrawn voluntarily by companies.


      CFIUS releases data on its reviews with a lag of more than a year. It also does not releasepublicly details of the transactions it reviewed, or the concerns that were raised, although thoseare contained in a classified version of its report to Congress.


      China was the leading source of investments reviewed by CFIUS in 2014, with investors filing24 notices, just ahead of the 21 filed by investors from the UK.


      A senior treasury official said that CFIUS treated investments from China no differently than itdid any others. But investments from China have long drawn more political scrutiny thanothers in Washington. Beijing has repeatedly expressed concerns that Chinese companies areunfairly singled out.


      In a letter sent to the Treasury this week, 45 Republican members of Congress asked for CFIUSto conduct a “full and rigorous” review of a proposed bid by a group of Chinese investors forthe Chicago Stock Exchange. The deal, if approved, would for the first time give a Chinesecompany control over part of the US’s equity trading infrastructure, they said.


      “Should you determine [that the Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group] maintains a closerelationship with the Chinese government — and therefore the Chinese military — we wouldurge CFIUS to deny this transaction,” the members of Congress wrote.


      Chris Brewster, a CFIUS specialist at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, a Washington lawfirm, said the committee’s annual report showed that the US still remained open to foreigninvestment. But he warned that it also indicated the breadth of deals examined by thecommittee was growing to include things such as real estate.

      华盛顿律师事务所Stroock & Stroock & Lavan的CFIUS专家克里斯布鲁斯特(Chris Brewster)表示,该委员会的年度报告显示,美国对外国投资依然开放。不过他警告说,该报告还表明,该委员会所审查交易的范围不断扩大,已包括房地产在内的领域。

      "Deals are getting approved all the time and the US remains one of the best markets in theworld for foreign investment. But CFIUS reviews are also getting more aggressive,” he said.


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