What is it? Handstands, basically.

How much does it cost? Handstands are currentlyfree to perform, although it’s always worth learninggood technique. My trainer was aerialist Zoe Jones,who holds workshops in London and works one-to-one for about the price of a personal trainer.Alternatively, just search YouTube for hand-balancing tutorials.
这需要花费多少钱?目前双手倒立什么都不需要花费,然而学习一些好的技巧总是值得的。我的教练是高空杂技师Zoe Jones,他在伦敦有工作室,并且一对一训练,收取私教的价格。除此之外,你可以在YouTube上搜索双手倒立平衡课程。
What does it promise? Improved core strength, posture, upper-body strength, flexibility,balance and coordination.
What’s it actually like? One of the best things I’ve done. Yes, really. I’d never managed anunsupported handstand in my life before, but Zoe started me off gently with stretches andplanks to help me learn technique. From there, we progressed to flipping all the way over onto a crashmat. Gradually, by learning which parts of my body I needed to flex, lock and pull in,my stability began to improve. I can’t say I looked gracious at any point – I was a wobbling,purple-faced Jenga tower with a great big exposed belly – but within an hour, I could justabout hold myself unsupported. For all of two seconds, admittedly, but that still counts.
Going upside down for the first time is a bit hairy, but the whole thing is brilliant. Hand-balancing is an incredible bodyweight workout – my shoulders ached for about 24 hoursafterwards – but you barely notice it, because you’re so busy learning a new skill. It’s addictive,too – the next morning, I found myself practising at home, up against a wall.
Is it worth it? Yes. I really can’t recommend this enough.