教程:托福词汇  浏览:516  
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    facsimile n. 摹本;复制品,赝品;电传真,传真图像,传真图文像

    faction n. 派别,宗派,小集团

    factious adj. 好搞派系的,喜倾轧的

    factor n. 因素,变量

    factual adj. 事实的,实际的

    faculty n. 教职工总称;才能,能力

    fade vi. 逐渐消失,退色,枯萎

    faint adj. 微弱的,模糊的,无力的,暗淡的

    fairly adv. 公平地;相当地

    faithful n. 信徒;

    fake n. 赝品,假货

    falcon n. (猎鸟用的)猎鹰

    fallible adj. 易错的,可能犯错的

    falter v. 蹒跚,犹豫,退缩

    familiarize vt. 熟悉

    famine n. 饥饿,饥荒

    famish vt. 使挨饿

    fanatical adj. 狂热的;入迷的

    fanaticism n. 狂热,盲信

    fanciful adj. 爱空想的,奇异古怪的,花哨的

    fancy adj. 新奇的,精美的;昂贵的;高档的

    “Did you read the news facsimile?” Tom asked. “Another fanatical religious faction has taken hostages at the embassy. These factious groups are more violent than their predecessors and their fanaticism is even more irrational. I am pretty sure it will be a major factor in their demise. Their strength will fade in a few years.”

    “I’m not sure about that,” Bill replied. “Their followers are pretty faithful. Part of the problem is that they cannot distinguish between a true religious leader and a fake. Many of the followers are extremely poor. They come from villages that are suffering from famine. They are willing to listen to anyone who will give them a warm meal and a promise of a better life. As a result, they often follow leaders with fancy houses and fanciful clothing. I suppose a dearth of food can famish you and make you anxious to believe any promise of a better life, regardless of your mental faculty. I just hope our negotiators don’t falter and give in to those fanatics.”

    “Desperation makes all of us fallible,” Tom said. “However, we should familiarize ourselves with the facts before we make any judgments. I’m going to send you there to obtain a factual account. I know you’ll report the story fairly and accurately.”

    “Thanks, but what should I do about the story I was working on?” asked Bill.

    “The story about the falcon?” asked Tom. “Give it to the new reporter in the faint blue dress. As a beginner, she’s still fallible. She’ll be glad to receive an easy assignment.”

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