1. To cook the books – to record false information in the accounts of an organisation.(在一个组织的账户上面记录错误或者假的信息。)
例句:When the company went bankrupt, it was discovered that one of the directors had been cooking the books for years.
2. To go from/get/jump out of the frying pan into the fire – to go from a bad situation to a worse one.(逃脱小难又遭大难。)
例句:She had always had problems with her sales manager, so was relieved when he was sacked. However, she went from the frying pan nto the fire with the new sales manager!
3. Too many cooks spoil the broth – too many people managing a job can actually create more problems.(—多反误事。)
例句:Look, we need to decide once and for all who is managing this project because we have a situation of too many cooks spoiling the broth at the moment.
4.To Cook Something Up – to organise something(组织事情)
例句:Leave the organisational details of the party to me. I will cook something up and it will be fantastic. You’ll see.
5. To grill someone -to question someone without stopping(不停地质问某人)
例句:The police grilled the suspect for seven hours and still couldn’t get a confession out of him.
6. To boil over – when someone cannot control their anger and start to argue or fight(当一些人不能控制他们的愤怒从而开始争吵或是打架)
例句:The situation was so tense in the boardroom that people’s tempers were boiling over by the end of the meeting.
7. To simmer down – to become calm(冷静下来)
例句:Hey, simmer down and relax. Getting angry won’t change things.
8. To Simmer with rage/anger – to be filled with negative emotions like rage and anger(充满愤怒和生气等负面情绪)
例句:Susan simmered with rage when she saw the mess her son made in the kitchen.
9. Half-baked ideas (informal) – ideas that have not been thought out enough(未经过深思熟虑想出来的想法)
例句:James is always coming to me with his half-baked ideas on how we can increase sales. He is so annoying.