索契冬奥会被指准备不足 俄官员奋起回击
Rooms without doorknobs, locks or heat, dysfunctional toilets, surprise early-morning fire alarms and a Welcome Wagon of stray dogs: These are the initial images of the 2014 Winter Olympics that foreign journalists have blasted around the world from their officially assigned hotels-and the wave of criticism has rankled Russian officials.
Dmitry Kozak, the deputy prime minister responsible for the Olympic preparations, seemed to reflect the view held among many Russian officials that some Western visitors are deliberately trying to sabotage Sochi's big debut out of bias against Russia. 'We have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall and then leave the room for the whole day,' he said. An aide then pulled a reporter away before Mr. Kozak could be questioned further on surveillance in hotel rooms. 'We're doing a tour of the media center,' the aide said.
A spokesman for Mr. Kozak later on Thursday said there is absolutely no surveillance in hotel rooms or bathrooms occupied by guests. He said there was surveillance on premises during construction and cleaning of Sochi's venues and hotels and that is likely what Mr. Kozak was referencing. A senior official at a company that built a number of the hotels also said there is no such surveillance in rooms occupied by guests.
Mr. Kozak toured the giant, gleaming new media center Thursday morning, marveling at the huge workspace built specially for the thousands of journalists who have come from around the world to cover the Games.
Asked about the widely reported problems with hotel rooms not being ready for guests, he was dismissive. 'We've put 100,000 guests in rooms and only gotten 103 registered complaints and every one of those is being taken care of,' he said. (It wasn't clear what Mr. Kozak was counting as a registered complaint.)
In a news conference, Mr. Kozak said he had no 'claims against Western or Russian journalists who are doing their jobs.' Most of the critical views of the accommodations or preparations amount to 'small imperfections in the Olympic facilities and tourist infrastructure,' Mr. Kozak said, noting that it wasn't long ago that the entire Olympic area was an 'open field.'
'The realization of such a project is an enormous victory for the entire country,' he said. 'As we say in Russia, victors don't get blamed.'
Vladimir Yakunin, president of the national rail operator Russian Railways, which built much of the infrastructure for the Games, including subcontracting on some accommodations that weren't completed on time, attacked Western coverage as biased in a blog Thursday.
'I'm very offended that the closer we get to the opening of the Olympics, the more hysteria around Russia becomes inflamed in the Western media,' he wrote. 'There's not a word about the quality of the Olympic facilities, about the fact that the level of readiness of the Olympic infrastructure has no analogues in the world.'
To build the facilities for the roughly $50 billion Sochi Olympics, Russia has built nearly an entire city from scratch. Organizers completed all the sporting venues, including the hockey and figure skating arenas, well ahead of time, as well as two villages for the Olympic competitors-one in the mountains and one by the sea.
Indeed, some American athletes have been pleasantly surprised after all the reports of the problematic hotels. U.S. short-track speed skater Sugar Todd said she had heard the horror stories about accommodations, but she could barely muster a complaint about her own Olympic digs. When she arrived here last week for her first trip to the Games, she only noticed that her shared room was so spacious that it looked almost as if it were missing furniture.
'The doors all have doorknobs. The lights all have light bulbs,' she said. 'The water is hot and running and doesn't come out a strange color. So I'm feeling pretty good.'
Her long-track compatriot Brian Hansen only noticed a couple of small things that, he said, were never issues in Vancouver four years ago. 'When we got here, there was no soap and no trash cans,' he said. 'One other thing, there's no place to put our luggage.' Needing far more than the single closet Hansen and Joey Mantia share, four bags of clothes and gear are strewed over the floor.
But while Sochi's organizers completed the accommodations reserved for Olympic competitors and top Olympic officials well in advance, much of the housing and hotels for the media fell by the wayside, particularly in the mountain media village, one of the most problematic sites in the Olympic project. A number of hotels were simply not fully completed, with workers furiously painting and constructing bits of buildings in recent days.
Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman, responded to the outpouring of criticism in an interview with the Russian radio station Kommersant FM on Wednesday. He said that stray dogs were indeed a problem in Sochi but characterized the complaints about the hotels as a matter of taste.
'In fairness, I would ask everyone to recall the reports from international and our domestic media about various Olympics,' Mr. Peskov said. 'Everywhere someone doesn't like the food, someone doesn't like the hotel, someone thinks the mattress is too hard, etc. That is, such complaints accompany all Olympics. But the guest is always right and the organizer is obliged to listen to these complaints.' He said he is sure Sochi's organizers are working around the clock to fix the 'flaws.'
负责冬奥会筹备的俄罗斯副总理科扎克(Dmitry Kozak)似乎很能代表许多俄罗斯官员的看法,这些官员认为,一些西方游客是在故意破坏索契为打破人们对俄罗斯的偏见而进行的盛大首秀。他说,酒店的监控录像显示有人打开淋浴开关,把喷头冲着墙壁,然后整天不在房间。一名记者想进一步就酒店房间的监控录像质问科扎克,但没来得及问就被一名助手拖走。这名助手说,我们要去参观媒体中心。
俄罗斯国家铁路运营商俄罗斯铁路股份公司(Russian Railways)总裁亚库宁(Vladimir Yakunin)周四在博客中抨击西方报道存在偏见。该公司建设了索契冬奥会的大部分基础设施,包括分包一些后来没有按时完工的住宿设施。
实际上,就在媒体报道了酒店这样或那样的问题后,一些美国运动员却有惊喜的发现。美国短道速滑选手托德(Sugar Todd)说,她听说住宿条件恶劣,但她自己觉得没什么好抱怨的。上周抵达这里后,她只发现自己与别人共用的房间太大了,好像少了点家具似的。
美国长道速滑选手汉森(Brian Hansen)说,他只注意到一些在四年前温哥华冬奥会上不存在的一些小问题。他说,当我们到达这里的时候,我们找不到香皂和垃圾桶,也没有放行李的地方。汉森和曼蒂亚(Joey Mantia)共享的壁橱不够用,他们的四箱衣服和装备只能扔在地上。
俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)发言人佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)周三在接受俄罗斯电台Kommersant FM采访时对外界的指责做出了回应。他说,流浪狗在索契确实是个问题,但他认为对酒店的抱怨都是个人喜好问题。