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    An American School Immerses Itself in All Things Chinese


    MINNEAPOLIS — On weekday mornings, a stream of orange buses and private cars from 75 Minnesota postal codes wrap around Yinghua Academy, the first publicly funded Chinese-immersion charter school in the United States, in the middle-class neighborhood of Northeast Minneapolis. Most pupils, from kindergarten to eighth grade, dash to bright-colored classrooms for the 8:45 a.m. bell, eager to begin “morning meeting,” a freewheeling conversation in colloquial Mandarin.

    明尼阿波利斯——位于明尼阿波利斯东北部中产社区的英华学院(Yinghua Academy),是美国第一所公立中文浸入式特许学校。每到工作日的早上,这所学校周围都环绕着由橘黄色校车和私家车构成的车流,它们来自明尼苏达州的 75个邮政区。上午8点45分的铃声一响,从幼儿园到八年级的大部分学生就会冲进色彩鲜艳的教室,迫不及待地参加“早会”——用汉语普通话自由交谈。

    Meanwhile, two grades form five perfect lines in the gym for calisthenics, Chinese style. Dressed neatly in the school’s blue uniforms, the students enthusiastically count each move — “liu, qi, ba, jiu, shi.”


    By 9:15, a calm sense of order pervades the school as formal instruction begins for math, reading, social studies, history and science. Instructors teach in Mandarin, often asking questions that prompt a flurry of raised hands. No one seems to speak out of turn. “We bring together both East and West traditions,” explains the academic director, Luyi Lien, who tries to balance Eastern discipline with Western fun.

    9点15分,数学、阅读、社会研究、历史、科学等科目的正式授课时间到了,校园里变得平静有序。教师以汉语授课,他们频繁提出问题,引得学生们纷纷举手。似乎没有谁随意开口。“我们把东西方的传统融合在了一起,”试图在东方的纪律性和西方的趣味性之间找到平衡的教务主任连鹭役(Luyi Lien)解释。

    Ms. Lien helped start Yinghua, which means “English Chinese,” with just 76 students and four teachers in 2006. This autumn a new addition opened that doubled capacity to handle the growing numbers of students. The school now has 660 students, all awarded tuition-free places by lottery. Yinghua is expected to be at its full capacity of 800 students by 2021.

    连鹭役在2006年帮助创办了英华,最初只有76名学生和四名教师。随着学生人数的不断增长,学校进行了扩建。新增部分于今年秋天投入运营,学校的师生容量翻了一番。英华目前有660名学生,均通过抽签获得在这里就读的机会,学费全免。英华预计,到2021年,学校将满负荷运转,在校生将达到800 人。

    The student-teacher ratio is 10 to one, and 78 percent of the teachers hold advanced degrees, many of them from American universities; three have Ph.D.’s. All receive training in the United States, including two teachers paid for by Hanban, an affiliate of China’s Ministry of Education.


    Yinghua Academy is among a handful of total-immersion schools, though the United States has 175 Chinese-immersion programs within regular schools across the country, 18 begun this academic year alone. While immersion programs have a mix of English and Chinese classes, Yinghua teaches all academic subjects in Chinese through fourth grade before moving to a half-English model for grades five to eight.


    Total-immersion schools groom students with deeper cultural understanding and stronger Mandarin skills, particularly in reading and writing, Ms. Lien said. “Our goal is real bilingualism by eighth grade, which is near native,” she said.


    At Yinghua, the process is intense. Just ahead of snack time in kindergarten, the teacher, who speaks only in Mandarin, thrusts an orange plastic disk in the air and 28 little hands shoot up. She points to one girl who answers correctly — “chengse” — before dashing to the nearby sink to wash her hands. In just minutes, all the students have identified a color and are happily tearing open their snacks. One 5-year-old asks, “Can you open this?” The teacher replies, “bangmang dakai?” On cue, the child repeats and then says, “xie xie” — thank you.


    “Yinghua is the best of the best,” according to Hattie Bonds, the mother of two children at the school and a former associate superintendent for Minneapolis public schools. “The first week my son came home from kindergarten and taught my 3-year-old to count to 10 in Chinese,” she recalled. “High expectations are yoked to high results.”

    “英华堪称佼佼者,”身为母亲的哈蒂·邦兹(Hattie Bonds)说。邦兹的两个孩子都在这所学校就读,她本人曾是明尼阿波利斯地区公立学校的助理学监。“我儿子刚上了一星期的学前班,回家后就能教3岁的那个用中文从1数到10了,”她回忆道。“高目标是和好成绩联系在一起的。”

    In Minnesota standardized tests, Yinghua students perform at least as well or better than their public school counterparts, even though English classes begin only at age 7. In Minnesota’s Multiple Measure Rating system, Yinghua has ranked within the top 15 percent of all Minnesota public schools for the past three years. (That includes the Focus Rate ranking, which measures the school’s reduction in the achievement gap between higher and lower socioeconomic groups.)

    在明尼苏达州的标准化考试中,英华考生的成绩至少与其他公立学校的考生相仿,甚至还更好一些,尽管他们直到7岁才开始上英文课。在明尼苏达州的多元标准评估(Multiple Measure Rating)体系中,英华已经连续三年跻身该州所有公立学校的前15%之列。(其中包括关注率[Focus Rate]的排名,它所衡量的是这所学校在缩小较高和较低社会经济阶层成绩差异方面取得的成效。)

    A primary reason, according to the executive director, Susan Berg, is the students’ home environment. Parents who choose immersion are often well educated themselves, and are highly committed to the school’s goals, including nightly homework.

    英华学院执行院长苏珊·伯格(Susan Berg)认为,主要原因在于学生的家庭环境。为孩子选择浸入式教育的家长通常受过良好的教育,并且高度认同该校的教学目标,包括晚上的家庭作业。

    Math results, which are particularly strong, are partly attributed to the Singapore Math curriculum and its eight-step approach to word problems, as well as the Chinese-educated teachers who move through material more quickly than their American peers.

    该校学生尤为突出的数学成绩,部分得益于《新加坡数学》(Singapore Math)课程及其应用题八步解题法。还有一个因素是,受过中文教育的老师能比他们的美国同行更快地通晓教材。

    Mathematical terms in Mandarin are also clearer. The word for “triangle,” for instance, “sanjiaoxing,” means three-sided. And when counting to 100, the Chinese use only 10 numbers to build all others; 71, for instance, is written 7-10-1. “The number system is easier to work with,” said Mary McDonald, a seventh-grader who takes an extra university math class once a week. “It’s faster and more organized.”

    以汉语表达的数学用语也更清晰明了。举例来说,与“triangle”相对应的“三角形”,意味着有三条边。此外,从1到100,中国人只用10个基本数字就能构成其他数字;举例来说,71写作“七十一”。“这个数字体系使用起来很简便,”每周都要额外上一堂大学数学课的七年级生玛丽·麦克唐纳 (Mary McDonald)说,“它更快捷,也更有条理。”

    Research also shows that early immersion produces cognitive benefits. “These students are better at nonverbal problem solving,” said Dr. Tara Fortune, of the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition at the University of Minnesota. “They have better executive control to focus on relevant information, and better listening skills.”

    此外有研究表明,较早接受浸入式教育有助于增进孩子的认知能力。“这些学生能更好解决非言语性问题,”明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)语言习得高级研究中心(Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition)的特拉·福琼博士(Tara Fortun)说,“他们有更强的执行控制能力,可以把注意力集中在相关的信息上;他们的听力技巧也更好一些。”

    Yinghua’s retention rate this autumn was 93 percent. Asians and Pacific Islanders comprise 47 percent of the student body; Caucasians, 46 percent. At the school, 13 percent qualify for free or reduced school lunches and 8 percent are special-education students. According to Mrs. Berg, almost all the students flourish in immersion, including those with special needs. “These students do well, relatively speaking,” she said. “They are so proud they know Chinese.”

    英华今年秋季的学生留校率为93%。亚裔及太平洋岛屿裔学生占在校生的47%;白人学生占46%。在这所学校里,13%的学生有资格享用免费或减价的午餐;接受特殊教育的学生占8%。伯格称,包括有特殊需求者在内,几乎所有学生都在浸入式教育中如鱼得水。“这些学生表现得很好,相对而言,”她说, “他们为自己懂中文而感到自豪。”

    Chinese immersion is apparently an American phenomenon, fueled since 2000 by impressive French and Spanish immersion test results, new charter schools that tap local school district funds, federal grants and, notably, substantial infusions of Chinese government support, particularly since 2004.


    But the scope is broadening. China will highlight immersion for the first time at a conference in Europe early next year. “Immersion is still new to the Chinese,” said Joan Brzezinski, executive director of Minnesota’s Confucius Institute. “But they see the results and they now want to reach out to their Confucius Institutes in other countries.”

    不过,中文浸入式教育正在扩大。明年年初,中国将在欧洲的一个会议上首次着重介绍这种教育模式。“对中国人而言,浸入式教育还是一个新生事物,”明尼苏达州孔子学院的执行主管琼·布热津斯基(Joan Brzezinski)说。“但他们看到了成果,现在想让孔子学院在其他国家遍地开花。”

    Since 2004, China has set up 465 Confucius Institutes and 713 Confucius classrooms in 123 countries. The institutes, mostly on university campuses, offer schools compelling incentives. China will cover budget costs for teacher training, materials, top-notch cultural programs and student exchanges. China also offers $10,000 grants to all schools that start teaching Mandarin.


    No figures exist for Chinese immersion efforts outside North America, according to an email response from a Hanban spokesman.


    While Ms. Brzezinski knows of several immersion programs in Canada, and one in Britain, she says other countries still teach Mandarin as a second language, albeit with impressive results in certain countries, such as Singapore. (Chinese Singaporeans begin Mandarin at an early age and continue through high school.)


    Dr. Shuhan Wang, director of the Asia Society’s Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network, based in New York, calls Minnesota a “hidden gem” in the immersion movement. (Other key states include Utah, California, Delaware, Washington, Oregon and North Carolina.) She credits Minnesota’s Concordia College Language Villages for the model of an immersion laboratory. In 1984, it opened the Sen Lin Hu, or “Lake of the Woods,” Chinese village as part of its summer camp immersion programs. “Sen Lin Hu proved that immersion works,” Dr. Wang said. “It gave us both knowledge and best practice.”

    在位于纽约的亚洲协会(Asia Society)中文启蒙与浸入式教育联盟(Chinese Early Language and Immersion Network)担任主管的王周淑涵博士(Shuhan Wang),把明尼苏达州称为浸入式教育运动的一块“隐蔽的宝地”。(发挥关键作用的还有犹他州、加利福尼亚州、特拉华州、华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和北卡罗来纳州。)她对明尼苏达州的协和学院语言村项目(Concordia College Language Villages)给予了赞扬,称其为浸入式教育实验室的样板。该项目包含多门以夏令营形式开办的语言浸入式课程,其中的“森林湖”(Lake of the Woods)中文浸入式课程启动于1984年。“森林湖证明浸入式教育是可行的,”王周淑涵说,“它不仅让人学到了知识,还贡献了一种最佳实践。”

    The United States Department of Education stopped funding Chinese immersion in 2012, Dr. Wang said, though the Department of Defense still contributes a minimal amount. These days additional support comes from state budgets and from China. “By having people learn Chinese, it becomes a global language,” she said.


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