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    Are Flip Phones Having a Retro Chic Moment?


    On Sept. 4, one image sent jolts through the disparate worlds of fashion and technology: Anna Wintour, the editor of Vogue and doyenne of all things chic, was photographed using a flip phone at the United States Open tennis tournament.

    9月4日,一张照片在时尚界和科技界引起震动。《Vogue》美国版编辑、时尚元老安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)被拍到在美国网球公开赛上使用翻盖手机。

    “Here Is Anna Wintour Using an Archaic Flip Phone,” screamed the headline in Jezebel.


    And it turns out that Ms. Wintour is not alone in this retro-chic phenomenon.


    Celebrities including Rihanna, Kate Beckinsale and Scarlett Johansson have been photographed using their flip phones. The ageless rocker Iggy Pop told New York magazine last month that he still has an old flip phone called a Rugby “because you can drop it a lot and it won’t break.”

    蕾哈娜(Rihanna)、凯特·贝金赛尔(Kate Beckinsale)和斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)等名人也被拍到使用翻盖手机。上个月,永不显老的摇滚明星伊基·波普(Iggy Pop)对《纽约》(New York)杂志说,他还有一部名为橄榄球的老式翻盖手机,“因为它摔很多次都不会坏”。

    And various politicos flaunt their late-adopter phones to reinforce their populist image. Mayor Bill de Blasio has been spotted using an old clamshell model as he walked and talked in Park Slope, Brooklyn. So has Senator Charles E. Schumer, who uses an LG flip phone from the 1990s (partly so he won’t become addicted to his email) and admits he bought 10 of them in case they run out.

    很多政客也在炫耀自己使用对新潮流说不的手机,以强化自己的平民主义形象。纽约市长比尔·德·布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)被拍到在布鲁克林公园坡散步、打电话时使用老式翻盖手机。还有参议员查尔斯·E·舒默(Charles E. Schumer),他用的是20世纪90年代的LG翻盖手机(这是他不会对电子邮件上瘾的原因之一),他承认自己当时买了十个,怕用坏了没得用。

    I would make merciless fun of these people, except that I use a flip phone myself, a Kyocera Kona, resolutely holding on to the same type of communication tool I have had since the ’90s.


    Yes, it requires more effort than a smartphone (you have to open it, for starters). And it doesn’t have a larger keyboard, touch screen or other capabilities of the nouveau stuff. But when I considered upgrading my phone this year, I was told I would no longer be able to keep my long-running $29.99-a-month plan (and $5 for 300 texts) if I did so. So I kept the flip phone.


    But saving money is just one of the big pluses. My phone, like Iggy Pop’s, is practically indestructible. Several years ago, I accidentally dropped my Samsung into an elevator shaft, and 12 flights later, it was still functional, if not exactly pretty. As long as you don’t get it wet, a flip phone can last longer than Abe Vigoda and cockroaches. (Alas, I did get it wet, which is why I have that Kyocera now.)

    不过,省钱只是其中一个优点。我的手机和伊基·波普的一样,真是摔不坏。几年前,我不小心把我的三星手机掉进了电梯井里,它从12楼摔下来,却依然能用,只是不太好看了。只要你不把它弄湿,翻盖手机比阿贝·维高达(Abe Vigoda)和蟑螂的生命力还强(唉,只可惜我把它弄湿了,所以我现在用的是京瓷手机)。

    And though you can call me a Luddite, the flip phone makes perfect aesthetic sense to me. After all, my apartment still has a VCR and an array of ’90s club costumes and magazine clippings, all of which prove surprisingly useful from time to time. I even have a landline phone. If I were suddenly seen taking notes on an iPhone instead of on my usual stained napkin, it would look as wrong as red and green after Christmas.


    What’s more, while my flip phone is capable of getting the Internet, I have chosen to go full-on retro and not sign up for that. Cost is only part of the equation. As a night-life chronicler, I can observe what’s going on every night instead of obsessively tweeting about it or video-recording it for Instagram or YouTube.


    And like Mr. Schumer, I enjoy not being a slave to my email everywhere I go. I can live in the moment (and it’s fun to have emails to look forward to when I get home at night). While my dinner dates are staring at their screens, I can concentrate on reading the menu, stuffing my face or gathering stained napkins.


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