Google will be announcing a new update for its translation app that recognizes voices and translates them into the desired language, the New York Times reports.
Google Translate currently has 90 languages available, and since Skype has released a feature that translates spoken language, Google is coming out with its version.
目前,谷歌翻译(Google Translate)支持90种语言的翻译。此前,微软旗下视频通话服务Skype已推出语音翻译功能,而谷歌也将对其翻译应用进行类似升级。
Instead of attempting to type a language into the app to translate it, users will now be able to have their foreign friend speak into the phone so it can be immediately translated. They claim the technology will be very accurate.
Previously released apps like World Lens have attempted to make it possible to translate a road sign by pointing your camera at it, and the Times claims the Google update may come with similar features.
此前发布的World Lens等应用已经可以实现路牌的拍照翻译。遇到不认识的路牌,用户只需拍下照片,即可进行翻译。《纽约时报》称,升级后的谷歌翻译也可能支持类似功能。
Skype's version of voice translation requires a headset, and it is unclear if Google's version will require the same external aid.