Australia-based low-cost airline Jetstar Airways is offering an escape and a chance to find love at the same time.
澳大利亚廉价航空公司捷星航空(Jetstar Airways)为乘客提供了一次寻找真爱的机会。
A few days shy of the world's annual days of horror for singles -- namely Valentine's Day and Lunar New Year, when concerned relatives and friends shamelessly judge your (lack of) relationship -- Australia-based low-cost airline Jetstar Airways is offering an escape and a chance to find love at the same time.
The airline has teamed with feng shui master, David Tong, to launch a campaign called Love is in the Zodiac Pair.
该航空公司与风水大师大卫·唐(David Tong)合作,开展了一项名为“生肖配对,你最登对”的活动。
Travelers logging onto the website complete a simple form that asks for their relationship status and birthday.
A personalized feng shui report is generated indicating compatible zodiac signs, best inflight seats, travel destination and activities.
For those born in the year of horse, for example, the best match is someone born in the year of the goat. These people should sit in row nine, 19 or 29 and travel to Jakarta, says Jetstar's feng shui guide. (Travel destinations are based on travelers flying out of Singapore.)
Travelers can also gain insight into their crush's travel preferences using the system.
To accommodate the social and adventurous traits of females born in a year of the goat, for example, you should plan an exciting group adventure to a new place.