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    "As to many people filing for divorce to avoid taxes (the 20 percent personal income tax on capital gains from property sales), I think that when a policy results in such a social tragicomedy, it must be a flawed policy." --LOU JIWEI, minister of finance

    “二套房避税导致有人离婚。我认为,如果一个政策出来,造成一些人间的悲喜剧,这个政策肯定是有缺陷的。” ——楼继伟(财政部长)

    "My criticism is very candid: The reform plan on gaokao (college entrance

    examination) is merely symbolic and can hardly solve the problems. Some plans have been proposed in haste and without any research. Whoever shouts the loudest has the final say."

    --GE JIANXIONG, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and professor of historical geography at Fudan University

    “我很坦率的批评,现在这些高考改革方案隔靴搔痒,根本解决不了问题,而且有些提法没有经过深入调查研究,很仓促。谁声音大就听谁的。” ——葛剑雄(全国政协委员、复旦大学教授)

    "It is not a good thing that young people are swarming to take civil service examinations. That mentality is not right in the first place."

    --XIANG PINGHUA, a deputy to the National People's Congress and deputy head of Lingxitownship in Cili county, Hunan province

    “年轻人一窝蜂去考公务员,并不是一个好事情。很多年轻人考公务员的心态就不对。” ——向平华(全国人大代表、湖南省慈利县零溪镇副镇长)

    "Everybody worries about the moral decline and everybody hates it, but our morality has not fallen into decline overnight. This is the result of our education over the past few decades, or we can say that there is something wrong with the mainstream values in our society."

    --MO YAN, a Chinese Nobel laureate and member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference



    台湾问题:一尺布尚可缝,一斗粟尚可舂,同胞兄弟何不容?Even a foot of cloth can be stitched up; even a kilo of millet can be ground. How can two blood brothers not make up?


    面对经济危机:“莫道今年春将尽,明年春色倍还人” Do not regret that spring is departing. Come next year as it will be twice as enchanting.


    硬骨头,涉险滩 gnawing at a hard bone and wading through a dangerous shoal

    “We must have the courage like gnawing at a hard bone and wading through a dangerous shoal.”


    I should say, the Party, the government, and the general public actually adopt the same attitude when it comes to anti-corruption. So we can be said to be capricious in fighting against corruption, and we are entitled to be so.


      上一篇:互联网时代的劳资斗争 下一篇:聚焦两会:走近首位全国人大会议女发言人——傅莹


