Compared to normal years, the national averagereading made from June to August was one degreehigher, while summer high temperatures lastedlonger, covered more areas and came along with more extreme weather this year, ZhangZuqiang, director of the emergency relief and public service department of ChinaMeteorological Administration, said at a press conference.
In August, China's national average temperature reached 22.2 degrees Celsius, 1.2 degreeshigher than normal years.

Extreme high temperatures were mostly reported in Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Hubei and Shandong.
Zhang said the lingering high temperatures in the middle and lower reaches of the YangtzeRiver were detrimental to the growth of crops.
In September, most regions of the country are expected to record an average temperatureclose to or higher than that of the normal years, with normal or slightly heavier precipitation, which is conducive to the growth of autumn crops.