Sources close to the investigation said the theftappeared to have been a highly-professionaloperation which took place while the owner wasaway, with the perpetrators disabling the alarmsystem.
The thieves, who left no trace of their handiwork, had tracked the owner's movements toensure he did not return to his apartment to catch them red-handed, they said.
El Pais quoted the sources as saying the artwork, comprising portraits and landscapes, wasstolen last June. It was not immediately clear why news of the theft was not made public untilnow. It was also unclear exactly which paintings were involved, but one contemporary artspecialist told the paper they would be extremely difficult to sell.
"It is not at all easy to sell a Francis Bacon." said the expert, speaking on condition ofanonymity. The owner of the paintings was a close friend of Bacon, the paper said.
一位不愿透露姓名的专家表示:“出售弗兰西斯·培根的作品可不是件容易的事情。” 根据该报报道,这些画作的主人是培根生前的密友。
Irish-born Bacon died in Madrid in 1992 aged 82 and his expressionist-surrealist works, whichare often raw and emotional, remain hugely sought after.