National legislators from Heilongjiang province, whichis China's principal producer of non-genetically-modified soybeans, are calling for a law to set up aspecial zone where the planting and processing of GMplants is prohibited.
Deputies to the country's top legislature hope sucha law would preserve ecological diversity, benefitfarmers who plant non-GM soybeans and avoid "possible contamination" of the soybean cropby GM plants.
The size of the proposed special zone would restore the province's soybean growing acreage toits 2010 level of 4.3 million hectares, said national lawmaker Tan Zhijuan.
Tan said universities in Heilongjiang and beyond should have first call on the non-GM soybeanproducts coming out of the special zone.
"Heilongjiang, China's largest producer of non-GM soybeans, has seen its planting acreagedownsized to a tipping point of 1.4 million hectares," said Tan, who is a veteran agriculturalspecialist.
"This represents a drop of a staggering 66 percent in five years following the influx of muchcheaper GM imports."
Nationwide, China imported 81.7 million tons of soybeans-mostly GM ones-last year, whichmeant more than 80 percent of its soybean consumption was met by imports, said Tan.
"China has the world's most diversified wild soybean resources," Tan said.
As a responsible country, China must protect living genetic material including seeds andtissue used for plant breeding, preservation and research, Tan said.
Although the planting of GM soybeans has not been detected so far in Heilongjiang province,there are risks that GM seeds might find their way to the fields, for example, through leakagefrom road transportation, Tan warned.
She said the key to establishing the non-GM soybean protection zone would be to build up anindustrial chain that streamlines the planting, processing and sales of non-GM soybeans.
This non-GM industrial chain will differentiate itself from that for GM products and improvethe competitive edge of the domestic soybean industry to target its niche market, Tan said.