Disney fans brace yourself - there is a real lifeversion of the house from Up.
Hot air ballooning enthusiast Simon Askey hastaken to the skies in an inflatable wonder thatmimics the house in the Oscar-winning Pixaranimated flick.
Just like the film's main character Carl Fredericksen - whose motto in the movie is'adventure is out there' - he is travelling the world using the multicoloured floater.
和影片主人公卡尔·弗雷德里克一样,阿斯卡座右铭也是“外面就是花花世界” 。他乘着色彩斑斓的热气球环游世界。
The Bristol-made balloon has been enchanting guests at the Canberra Balloon Spectacularin Australia. Hordes of eager visitors have taken to social media to excitedly report itspresence.
Owner Askey says this will potentially include a trip to Japan later this year. But fans canonly hope the balloon makes its way to Angel Falls, Venezuela, which was the originalinspiration behind Up's 'Paradise Falls'.