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    Australia approved $24bn Chinese propertyinvestments in 2014–15, double the value in theprevious year, reflecting surging demand foroverseas real estate even as Beijing’s economy cools.


    Figures published over the weekend by Australia’sforeign investment review board also show increasesin the value of approvals for Chinese investments inagriculture, finance and manufacturing. China is Australia’s biggest foreign investor withA$46.5bn approvals, almost double the number two-ranked US’s A$25bn. Total foreigninvestment approvals were A$194bn last year, up from A$167bn in the year to end-June 2014.


    China’s investment in the US and Europe is also at record highs, underlining Beijing’s growingimportance in supporting global growth and as a source of inward investment.


    The Firb data suggest fears of waning Chinese flows because of slowing economic growth,increasing capital controls and tighter Australian regulatory scrutiny may be overdone.


    However, economists caution that the data, which covers the period to end-June 2015, missesany recent slowdown in foreign property investment. Moreover, not all approved dealsmaterialise: a study of completed deals by KPMG and University of Sydney found Chineseinvestment in Australia, excluding residential property, fell to US$8.35bn in 2014, fromUS$9.19bn in 2013.

    不过,经济学家们告诫称,这些数据截至2015年6月底,错过了近期外资对澳大利亚房地产投资的放缓。此外,并非所有获批的交易都会真正实现。毕马威(KPMG)和悉尼大学(University of Sydney)对完成交易的一项研究发现,若剔除住宅物业,中国对澳大利亚的投资在2014年降至83.5亿美元,低于2013年的91.9亿美元。

    “There is evidence that the Chinese authorities are placing informal or de facto controls onpeople attempting to take money out of the country and this may be having an impact,” saysSaul Eslake, an independent economist. “It may be one of the reasons that recent datacovering the past six months shows a fall off in building approvals for new apartments. Bankshave also tightened lending requirements on all investors and this is probably a factor.”

    “有证据表明,中国当局正对企图把资金转移到境外的人士实施非正式或事实上的管制,而此举可能正在产生影响,”独立经济学家索尔•埃斯雷克(Saul Eslake)表示。“这可能是覆盖过去6个月的近期数据显示新公寓建筑审批大幅下降的原因之一。银行也收紧了针对所有投资者的放贷要求,这很可能也是一个因素。”

    This week Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, will follow in the footsteps of otherworld leaders by leading the country’s largest trade mission to China. Together with 1,000business executives he will focus on increasing Australia trade with China, which was worthA$150bn in 2015.

    本周澳大利亚总理马尔科姆•特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)将跟随世界其他领导人的脚步,亲率澳大利亚最大的贸易代表团访问中国。在1000名企业高管的陪同下,他将聚焦于扩大澳中经贸往来;2015年澳中贸易规模达到1500亿澳元。

    However, the trade mission takes place amid growing public unease about the rising tide ofChinese investment in residential property, public infrastructure and agriculture which hasprompted Canberra to tighten foreign investment rules and boost scrutiny of deals.


    In November Canberra blocked a proposed A$350m purchase of S Kidman & Co — acompany controlling Australian farmland that is three quarters of the size of England — byShanghai Pengxin, citing concerns about the scale of the land deal and proximity to a missiletesting site.

    去年11月,堪培拉方面阻止上海鹏欣收购基德曼公司(S Kidman & Co)——该公司控制的澳大利亚农场面积相当于四分之三个英格兰——的3.5亿澳元交易,并说明理由是担心这笔土地交易的规模及其靠近一个导弹试验场。

    Last month Canberra responded to security concerns raised by the sale of Darwin port toChinese company Landbridge by requiring Firb approval for future infrastructure sales bystates.


    But many remain bullish about Chinese investment continuing in residential property.


    “China’s immense pent-up demand for international property is driving this trend,” saidCharles Pittar, chief executive of Juwai.com, one of China’s biggest international propertywebsites. “China bears who claimed Chinese investment was falling off a cliff are badlyinformed.”

    “中国对国际物业的巨大被压抑需求正在推动这一趋势,”中国最大的国际房地产网站之一“居外网”(Juwai.com)的首席执行官查尔斯•皮塔(Charles Pittar)表示。“声称中国投资正在掉下悬崖的看跌中国者消息太不灵通了。”

    This wave of Chinese money flooding into the Sydney and Melbourne property markets hassparked a debate over the impact on the local housing market. Some say it is forcing up pricesand preventing first time buyers from buying houses or apartments. Others say it is driving abuilding boom, which is supporting an economy suffering from the commodities bust.


    Canberra has stepped up scrutiny of overseas buyers, ordering the sale of 27 properties worthA$76m, which it says broke laws requiring foreigners to receive regulatory approval forpurchases of existing properties.


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