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    Donald Trump has won his home state of New Yorkby a wide margin, giving the property mogulsome badly needed momentum after a difficult fewweeks in the White House race.

    周二,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在家乡纽约州赢得了一场压倒性胜利。这是这位房地产大亨一个月来赢得的首场初选胜利,这场胜利对他来说是场及时雨,有助于他赢得足够多的党代表票,以避免7月份的共和党全国代表大会变成“僵局代表大会”。

    The Associated Press projected that Mr Trump hadwon the primary election in the Empire State, in a convincing victory over Texas senatorTed Cruz and Ohio governor John Kasich.

    在共和党总统候选人提名战中领跑的特朗普,至少拿到了“帝国州”(纽约州的绰号)95张党代表票中的89张。计票工作完成98%之际,特朗普的得票率为60.5%。俄亥俄州州长约翰•卡西奇(John Kasich)位居第二,得票率为25%,只拿到了3张党代表票。特德•克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)远远落在后面,得票率仅为15%,连1张党代表票也没拿到。

    With 54 per cent of the vote counted, Mr Trump had won 61.5 per cent of the ballots. MrKasich was in second place with 24.1 per cent while Mr Cruz lagged behind with 14.3 per cent.

    与此同时,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在纽约州以两位数的领先优势击败了她的竞争对手伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)。希拉里因此宣称,自己在民主党总统候选人提名战中已“胜利在望”。

    The victory was welcome news for Mr Trump who was beaten badly by Mr Cruz in the last twoRepublican contests in Utah and Wisconsin. Mr Trump had been hoping for a strong showing inNew York to pick up as many as possible of the 95 delegates at stake in the “winner-takes-most” state.


    While he remains the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination, Mr Trump faces an uphillclimb to secure the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination on the first ballot at theRepublican convention in Cleveland in July.


    Some of the Republican establishment have rallied behind Mr Cruz in recent months in thehope of blocking Mr Trump from getting the nomination and forcing a contested convention.While the Texan is very unpopular with GOP elites, they believe that he would do less damageto the Republican Party.


    Before the New York primary, Mr Trump was leading the Republican delegate race with 756delegates, according to the AP. Mr Cruz was in second with 559.


    “We love New York. We love New York,” Mr Trump said at his victory party in his Trump Towerheadquarters in Manhattan.

    特朗普在曼哈顿“特朗普大厦”(Trump Tower)总部的庆功会上说:“我们爱纽约,我们爱纽约。”

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