近三年来,日本和俄罗斯官员一直在为组织一次意义重大的两国领导人峰会而努力。但由于对双方而言事关重大,所以当弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)准备周五在黑海度假胜地索契(Sochi)会见安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)之际,莫斯科方面已开始降低在对东京方面最重要的问题上取得进展的预期。
At the top of the agenda is a long-running dispute over the group of islands Russia calls theKuriles and Japan the Northern Territories. But “it is hardly possible to expect imminent andserious progress” on resolving it, Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Russian president, warned.
会谈议程中的最重要议题是两国长期以来对一系列岛屿的争端——俄罗斯称之为库页岛(Kuriles),日本称之为北方领土(Northern Territories)。但是,“期望在解决该问题上很快取得重大进展几乎是不可能的,”普京发言人德米特里•巴斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)警告称。
Dmitry Trenin, head of the Carnegie Moscow Center, sees Japan as a casualty of Russia’s pivotto China, which he says has put Russia on a trajectory to ever-greater dependency on Beijingwhile failing to give other Asian powers enough attention.
卡内基莫斯科中心(Carnegie Moscow Center)主任德米特里•特列宁(Dmitri Trenin)认为,日本是俄罗斯倒向中国政策的受害者。他表示,这一政策得俄罗斯走上了一条对北京方面日益依赖的道路,对亚洲其他大国未能给予足够重视。
The Japanese prime minister is all too aware of that. Mr Abe is currently on a whistle-stop tourof Europe, visiting Italy, France, Germany and the UK, before he chairs the G7 meeting in Ise-Shima at the end of the month.
But his meeting with Mr Putin is diplomatically more important. Mr Abe’s eagerness to meet MrPutin is founded in the geopolitical threat to Japan from China, say people close to the primeminister. His fear is that an isolated Russia will draw ever closer to Beijing. Given otherterritorial disputes, such as China’s claim to what Japan calls the Senkaku islands and Chinathe Diaoyu, Japan can ill-afford to have its two giant neighbours unite against it.
但是,他与普京会面在外交方面具有更重要的意义。据接近这位首相的人士表示,安倍晋三急于跟普京会面,原因在于中国在地缘政治方面对日本构成的压力。他担心,被孤立的俄罗斯将向中国靠得更近。鉴于其他领土争端,比如中国对于日本称之为尖阁诸岛(Senkaku Islands)、中国称之为“钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿(Diaoyu)”的系列岛屿的主权要求,日本无法承受两大邻国共同反对自己的后果。
Mr Abe has been eager for a proper Japan-Russia summit rather than brief chats on thesidelines of international meetings, says one official close to him. Braving the displeasure ofthe US amid tensions over Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Mr Abe wants the Russian leader tovisit Tokyo within the year.
The issue that looms over Russo-Japanese relations is four disputed islands in the Kurile chain,seized by the Soviet Union in the final days of the second world war. The dispute means thetwo countries never signed a peace treaty.
Many Russian officials and analysts say that seeking a counterbalance to Moscow’s ever-closeralliance with China would be beneficial for Russia as well. “A country that refused to be ajunior partner of the US can’t find it in its interest to become a tributary of a Chinese greatpower,” says Mr Trenin. “Japan and other countries with whom relations are stalling are unusedreserves of Russian foreign policy.”
But there are few economic or political opportunities to develop this reserve with Tokyo.Russian officials say Japan is a partner of choice for the transfer of high technology to Russia,and Moscow also looks to its eastern neighbour as a potential market for Russian agriculturaland fisheries products.
But in an era of low prices for the natural resources that form the lion’s share of Russia’sexports, such broader exchanges are slow to get off the ground.