沙特阿拉伯眼下一团糟 改革被批"太搞笑"
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    Saudi Arabia is in a mess. That conclusion seems tobe common ground — the view of serious outsideanalysts and of the country’s own government. Theonly question is whether the problems can becorrected by shock treatment of the sort announcedin Riyadh last week.


    The immediate challenge is clear. Last year,revenue from oil exports fell by 23 per cent. That matters in a country that is 77 per centdependent on oil income. Unemployment is officially 11.6 per cent, not counting the millionswho hold non-jobs in and around the agencies of the state. In total, 70 per cent of Saudis workfor the government. In the first half of last year, according to Mohammed al-Sheikh, the chiefeconomic adviser to the all-powerful deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (knownuniversally as MbS), the kingdom’s financial reserves were being drawn down at a rate thatwould have exhausted them by the end of 2017 — far earlier than had previously beenestimated by outside authorities such as the International Monetary Fund.

    直接挑战显而易见。去年,来自石油出口的财政收入下滑23%。对于一个77%的财政收入依赖于石油的国家来说,这一点关系重大。在不计算数以百万计的在政府机构内部及周边无所事事的雇员的情况下,官方失业率为11.6%。总共70%的沙特人为政府工作。去年上半年,为掌握实权的沙特副王储穆罕默德•本•萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman,被普遍称为MbS)担任首席经济顾问的穆罕默德•阿尔-谢赫(Mohammed al-Sheikh)表示,沙特王国的资金储备正在迅速流失,到2017年底就可能会彻底干涸。这比国际货币基金组织(IMF)等外部权威机构此前的预测要早得多。

    All those problems were well summed up in a note from McKinseys published at the end of lastyear that talked of the prospect of a rapid economic deterioration in Saudi Arabia over thenext decade.


    So radical change is needed, which brings us to the announcement last week of MbS’s Vision2030, designed to create a modern economy free of dependence on oil. The fullannouncement is worth reading because it demonstrates the sheer scale of the ambition,but a few headlines will give you the flavour.

    因此,沙特需要大刀阔斧的改革,这就让我们回到上周沙特副王储宣布的《愿景2030》(Vision 2030)。该计划旨在打造摆脱对石油依赖的现代化经济体。整套报告值得一读,因为它展现了沙特的勃勃雄心,但是几个标题就会给你一个大致印象。

    •A stake in the state-owned oil company will be floated in an IPO within the next two years.

    • 未来两年内,将对沙特国有石油公司的部分股权进行首次公开发行(IPO)。

    •The funds from that and other asset sales — perhaps $2tn dollars or more — will be investedin a new sovereign wealth fund to give the country a regular income from non-oil sources.

    • 这笔IPO和出售其他资产所得——可能达到2万亿美元以上——将投资于一只新的主权财富基金,使国家得以从非石油类资产获得固定收入。

    •The country will be opened up to tourism.

    • 沙特将开放旅游业。

    •Expats will be allowed to own property within Saudi Arabia.

    • 允许外国人在沙特境内拥有房地产。

    •New small and medium-sized enterprises will be encouraged to the point where they accountfor 35 per cent of economic activity.

    • 政府将鼓励创办中小型企业,目标是让这类企业占据35%的经济活动。

    •Subsidies for oil, water and electricity will be progressive eliminated.

    • 逐步取消对成品油、水和电力的补贴。

    •Unemployment will be reduced to 7 per cent

    • 将失业率降至7%。

    •A range of new industrial sectors will be developed, including petrochemicals, manufacturingand finance on the basis of foreign investment.

    • 依靠外资发展一系列新的产业,包括石油化工、制造业和金融业。

    •An anti-corruption drive in the Ministry of Defence will be combined with the development ofa domestic military equipment business that will be capable of meeting at least half of thecountry’s needs.

    • 将在国防部发起反腐运动,同时发展国内军工产业,使其至少可以满足沙特一半的军事装备需求。

    All this builds on a full-scale McKinsey study called “Saudi Arabia — Beyond Oil”, which waspublished at the end of last year.

    这一切措施都建立在麦肯锡去年底发表的全面报告《沙特阿拉伯——超越石油》(Saudi Arabia — BeyondOil)之上。

    The only problem with this grand plan is that is completely unrealistic. To say, as MbS did lastweek, that by 2020 Saudi Arabia will no longer be dependent on oil revenue is beyond adream. To say that the country doesn’t care whether the oil price is $30 a barrel or $70 isridiculous. But the real problem is the reality when it comes to implementation. Last week’spolicy statement makes no reference to any of the difficulties of delivering what is promised.


    Are we really supposed to believe that Saudi Arabia can create an industry to build technicallycomplex military equipment from a zero base?


    Or to believe that western tourists are going to flock to a country whose laws allow people to bestoned to death for adultery or gay sex? The human rights problems are amply and regularlyset out in reports from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. How many westernwomen will be happy to slip into a burkini for their holidays?

    或是相信西方游客会蜂拥来到这个依法可对通奸者或同性恋者处以石刑的国家吗?大赦国际(AmnestyInternational)和人权观察组织(Human Rights Watch)的报告中定期详细描述沙特的人权问题。有多少西方女性愿意在度假时套上穆斯林泳装“布基尼”?

    How is the civil service which MBS accepted last week was corrupt and inefficient to bereformed when so many of the brightest and best Saudis are happier to live and work inLondon or New York?


    How is Aramco to be converted into a company that can meet western standards oftransparency and good governance? Will the kingdom, for instance, allow an independentexternal analysis of the company’s claimed oil and gas reserves?

    沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(Saudi Aramco,简称沙特阿美)如何转型为达到西方透明度及优良治理标准的企业?例如,沙特王国会允许外部独立机构对该公司声称的油气储量进行分析吗?

    And, perhaps most important of all, how will the Saudi government break the hold ofWahhabistreligious fundamentalism, something the royal family has not managed over the last century?


    Without a serious analysis of the delivery process, Vision 2030 is meaningless rhetoric. Thebarriers to progress are not new. They have defeated every attempt to achieve change andreform made by successive Saudi governments. Promises of economic diversification, ofindustrial development, of education for all and of a transformation of the energy sectorthrough the development of renewables have all ended in failure. To ignore the problems ofdelivery is to demonstrate the unreality of the whole approach. I hope McKinsey — a firm ofthe highest integrity — will point this out rather allowing its brand to be tarnished byassociation with a project that it must know cannot work.


    The worst thing is that MbS, who is 30 and has not enjoyed the benefit of a western educationwith its inbuilt tone of scepticism, actually believes what he is saying and does indeed thinkthat he can transform the country by an act of personal will. The deputy crown prince is thesort of character about whom Shakespeare could have written a great play. It would not haveended happily.


    It might be tempting to say that these are Saudi Arabia’s problems and that after innumerablefurther, and no doubt very lucrative, consultancy studies little will change and MbS will beswept away — perhaps by a change of the guard after his father’s death.


    That view is too narrow. Saudi Arabia matters in the region — look at the damage being done inYemen and by the wider conflict with Iran which MbS has been stoking. Provocative behaviour,driven on by economic weakness and competition for shares of the oil market, could make abad neighbourhood even more volatile.


    And the country matters in the world, as well. Global oil consumption may be coming to itspeak but it will stay at around 90 to 100mbd for a very long time. The kingdom is a crucialpart of the equation and should be on the side of stability. Pretending the price doesn’tmatter reflects a lack of interest or knowledge when it comes to the wider consequences of thepolicies being pursued.


    For Saudi Arabia, the lack of realism behind Vision 2030 can only make a messy situation worse.For those outside the kingdom, the naivity of the approach is another unwelcome source ofinstability and danger.


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