还记得佛罗里达的“悬空票”吗?今年民主党的大选角逐还没有到达伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)威胁要以第三方候选人参选的地步。但事态已经几近发展到那种程度了。如果不是拉尔夫•纳德(Ralph Nader)的“搅局参选”,阿尔•戈尔(Al Gore)几乎肯定能够在2000年赢下佛罗里达州,由他而不是乔治•W•布什(George W Bush)成为总统。
Mr Sanders could do the same for Donald Trump. The Manhattan billionaire is urging theVermont socialist to run as an independent in November. Hillary Clinton has rigged thesystem, says Mr Trump, which is robbing Mr Sanders of what is rightfully his. He should makeMrs Clinton pay the price in the general election.
桑德斯可能为唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)做同样的事情。身为曼哈顿亿万富翁的后者正力劝这位佛蒙特州的社会主义者在11月份以独立候选人的身份参选。特朗普表示,希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)操纵了整个系统,抢走了桑德斯理所应得的东西。桑德斯应该让希拉里在大选中付出代价。
Could Mr Sanders be blind enough to fall for Mr Trump’s ruse? The answer is maybe. Forevidence of that, look at the parallels between Mr Sanders and Mr Nader. The latter, who wasthen 66, ignored calls to drop out of the 2000 race from those who feared he would split thecentre-left vote and hand victory to Mr Bush.
Much like Mr Sanders, 74, he was a child of the 1960s protest culture that saw both politicalparties as offshoots of corporate America. “Tweedledum and Tweedledee” was how he put it.Mr Sanders only joined the Democratic party last year. He has spent most of his life as anindependent socialist. Mr Nader spent most of his as a Green party environmentalist.
Most of all, however, they share a solipsistic mindset that owes more to the student protests ofhalf a century ago than the calculations of 21st-century politics. That, of course, is part of theirappeal, particularly to students. It is also a source of their stubbornness. The more MrsClinton’s crowd urges Mr Sanders to drop out, the likelier he is to dig in his heels. It could endbadly.
The similarities do not end there. Mrs Clinton’s detractors seem to believe she is a uniquelywooden candidate with a frustrating inability to come up with a memorable campaigntheme.
Her political skills are indeed woeful. If full-time politicos are unable to define what Mrs Clintonstands for, the distracted swing voter does not stand a chance. But she is only following in MrGore’s footsteps. Remember his theme of “the people against the powerful?” Neither do I. Thethen vice-president’s belated attempt to present himself as an insurgent against the status quoforeshadowed Mrs Clinton’s -quandary precisely. It is hard to run against an unfair societywhen you have played a leading role in its administration over the previous eight years. Itcan even be paralysing. As Mrs Clinton is discovering, it is even tougher when the climate is sopoisonously anti-establishment.
This is where Mr Sanders’ complaints could become toxic. In reality, there is nothing riggedabout the Democratic contest. If anything, the high number of caucuses that favour candidateswith narrowly ardent bases such as Mr Sanders’ has artificially boosted his delegate tally. Atthe moment Mrs Clinton leads him by nearly 300 pledged delegates. If her share of the voteswere proportionately translated, she would have already crossed the victory line.
Nor does Mr Sanders’ complaint about the role of super delegates hold much water. The party’srules give roughly a fifth of all votes to Democratic bigwigs — senators, governors, party chairsand the like. Given that Mr Sanders is barely even a Democrat it is hardly surprising mostprefer Mrs Clinton.
If he were leading in either the popular vote, or in pledged delegates, they would be underpressure to switch their support to him, as they did for Barack Obama in 2008, when thefront-runner’s lead was far smaller. But Mr Sanders is not ahead on either count. He wouldneed to win 90 per cent of the delegates in the remaining eight primaries over the next threeweeks to overtake Mrs Clinton. It is not going to happen.
如果桑德斯能在民众投票或者选举人票这两项之一取得领先,超级代表们将在压力之下转而支持他,就像他们在2008年为巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)所做的那样,当时领先者的优势要小得多。但是桑德斯在这两方面都不处于领先。在接下来的3周里,他需要在剩下的8场初选中赢得90%的选举人票,才能超过希拉里。这是不可能的。
So why is Mr Sanders upping the ante now? Last week, his supporters did a good imitation ofMr Trump’s when they hurled insults and furniture at the allegedly rigged Democratic process inNevada. The meeting descended into chaos.
Mr Sanders’ condemnation of the violence was halfhearted. His campaign issued astatement saying “millions of Americans have growing doubts about the Clinton campaign”.That observation was true enough. But these were not the sentiments of a candidatepreparing to bow out graciously. Nor does it seem likely Mr Sanders will be placated by havingsome of his policies — support for a universal healthcare system, say, or campaign financereform — added to the Democratic platform at the Philadelphia convention in July. Everyoneknows the platform is forgotten the moment it is written.
How about a prime speaking role? That, too, would be seen as a bagatelle. Besides, Mr Sandersis having the time of his life addressing adoring crowds of 20,000. He sees no reason to stopnow. Nor do his core supporters.
Oddly enough, some of his celebrity backers, such as Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore, alsoegged Mr Nader on in 2000. It seems they have learnt little. Mr Trump, on the other hand, isnothing if not a quick study. The battle between “Crazy Bernie” and “Crooked Hillary” suits himwell. The longer it goes on, the stronger he becomes.
奇怪的是,桑德斯的一些名人支持者——如苏珊•萨兰登(Susan Sarandon)和迈克尔•摩尔(Michael Moore)——在2000年也这样怂恿过纳德。他们似乎并未从中吸取教训。另一方面,特朗普学得极快。“疯狂的伯尼”和“不诚实的希拉里”之间的争斗对他来说正中下怀。他俩争斗的时间越长,他变得越强大。