The ministry said its changes to this year's gaokao-the national higher education entrance exam-willnot mean children from developed parts of China loseout.
该部门表示,针对今年高考(全国高等教育入学考试 )的这次改变不意味着来自发达地区的孩子会有损失。
A recent directive from the ministry means there will be a redistribution of cross-provincialquotas for some provinces.
Universities and colleges in some more developed provinces with rich tertiary educationresources, such as Jiangsu and Hubei, will this year have to take a larger number of studentsfrom less developed regions, such as Tibet and Xinjiang, who have passed the gaokao. Forinstance, universities in Hubei will enroll 40,000 students from less developed regions this year.Jiangsu will take 38,000.
In Jiangsu, 390,000 students registered to take the gaokao in 2015, with a pass rate of 89percent. This year, 360,000 students registered for the exam. With far fewer local studentstaking the test, the ministry said it will be possible to take more students from poorer provinceswithout affecting the prospects of local students who want to attend a university.
However, not all parents bought the explanation.
One man, who declined to be named, in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, whose child is studying at ahigh school in the city's Jiangning district, said the decision was totally "unacceptable".
"The competition to gain admission to college, especially to some of the prestigiousuniversities, was fierce enough, even before the quota was changed," he said. "I can't imaginewhat will happen if fewer places are offered to the children of Jiangsu."
But Xiong Bingqi, vice-president of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said parentsshould not be worried.
"Because the number of students taking the gaokao in provinces like Jiangsu and Hubei hasbeen falling during the past several years, it's normal that the education ministry would plan forfewer students to be recruited in these provinces and regions," he said.